Celebrity Bodyguard


Yeah, this week was chill. A super jacked man was behind us in line with his daughter, and we let them order before us. Afterward, he's like hey I'm paying for your sandwich and we were like "Wutttt?! That's so kind of you!!" Turns out he's met a lot of missionaries and stuff and is a professional bodyguard for celebrities. He said, "I try to share about Jesus with them too so I know how hard it can be." Super cool brother. 

THEN on Saturday, we were grinding away doing some reporting when a lesson was canceled with our friend Josie. She's a recent media referral and asked if we had a church in the area. And we said heck yeah!! Here's the address! And then she was like, "I'll be there. Do you need to introduce me to anyone because it's my first time?" We were like--"uhhhh sure! We could meet you at the front entrance, orrrr we could do a church tour tonight and invite some of our members!" And she said okay and asked if she could bring her daughter too? (By now we were flipping out) and we were like, absolutely! Then we proceed to have an absolutely spiritual church tour. Our friend was crying, our member was crying, even my eyes were getting misty. The Spirit was so present, and man, it went way good. Then after the tour, the member literally texted multiple people in the ward to be ready to introduce themselves to our friends when they come tomorrow and was reaching out to a few young women too cause Josie's daughter, Gazelle, is 14 years old. 

Then y'all already know that they pulled up to church, and the members were just awesome. They loved church, and they felt super welcome. She said she'd get her husband to come the next week and get her oldest daughter, who has a two-year-old, to come too. Gazelle is already excited to go to young women's activities, and they both are going to come to a 4th of July breakfast! And it all came from a single media referral from Facebook for us to give her a Bible.

Then we get a THIRD friend to pull up. This one we didn't even know. Apparently, members invited him to come, and he liked church and said he'd be back next week!! Soooo cool that members are missionary minded. These wards are tanks. 

Anywho, something I loved this week was a recent convert got to bless the sacrament. He did it perfectly, and man it really made me appreciate the blessings of having priesthood brethren to bless the sacrament. The sacrament is such a gift, and I feel that I missed the opportunity to use the power of the sacrament many times in my life because I wasn't focused on what was important. But when you truly, purposefully prepare beforehand for the ordinance of the sacrament, you get to access the power of the Savior's atonement. But it is when you don't listen that you miss that power that is there is heal, to bring joy, to take away guilt or sorrow, power to bring miracles, but most importantly, the power of the Spirit as your constant companion. That is something that is VITAL. Imagine missing out on increased guidance from the spirit in your daily life. But with the Spirit, you are guided and helped to become the disciple God NEEDS you to be. As a spouse, parent, or child. This is such an important ordinance that we do it EVERY single week too.

Anyhow Hurrah for Israel!!!


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