Transferred to the Biggest District Ever

Hey, Ya'll!! Welp, I got transferred out of the boonies into the wonderfully wealthy side of San Antonio!:) and I am PUMPED. We cover two wards, and they are stacked. Tons of great youth and great members. We are getting fed which is pure bliss, and my new comp is Elder Lehnig! He's actually partially blind too, which is crazy! He uses a cane and everything, and y'all already know we got that handicapped parking spot, lol. But he's awesome and we are ready to grind:) There actually is a documentary on him called Blind Faith on KSL, which is wild, haha. Ya'll can watch it. He sadly doesn't have a beard on the mission.....

And yup, I'm now the District leader over this area. Got 4 Sisters, 4 Elders, me and my comp, and 1 service missionary (His name is Elder Pieroni, and he's so cool) So there are 11 of us! And I'm ready to learn and grow a lot and seek all that revelation. This is my second transfer being a district leader. 

I got no time, but I love y'all so much!! The exchanges I'm gonna have are crazy, but I'm so looking forward to them. Also working on a lot more member work cause finding is a little tough--so I'm excited for that! 

Hurrah for Israel!
Elder Higginson


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