The Mighty Fast


Man, this week was an explosion of just good stuff. I can't remember if I mentioned this in the last email, but I was prompted to get our entire branch to daily pray for our friends by name and fast for them this Sunday for them to come to church, cause y'all, I'll be for real. Getting people to church is a struggle out here. But then BAM! This very Elder got our friend, Jesus, to church for the first time, and the sisters also got a friend to church for the first time too! I'm telling y'all--prayers and fasting got POWER! It's been like 8 weeks since I've gotten someone, but all those prayers paid off. 

And man church was just splendid. The testimonies were so on point and both of the friends there liked it. Also something that's awesome is the lady the sisters brought to church is the sister to a whole family that we've been teaching and inviting to church for months. And the sister's friend loved church so much. She was crying a lot, haha, cause she just felt the Spirit so strong. And she's like, "Oh man, I am TELLING my Sister to come here." So me and Elder Wood are praying this will be that step that finally helps Francis and her 11 grandchildren to come to church. Quite the family. We are only actively teaching like 3.5 of them (the .5 is cause one of them is there for the lessons off and on), for now!! So that would be pretty sweet. 

Also had some great lessons throughout the week, but the coolest two were one with my boy, Oscar. He's so cool, has a great comprehension level (which is kinda rare. Which is also like an oof thing to say, but it's true for the folk we're teaching), and loves asking questions. But man, getting him to commit is difficult. However, he did give us his word he'd come before July. And he was like, "And I don't break my word." So we are praying he has a wonderful experience with the branch, haha. 

The other banger lesson was with our new friend, DT. He is literally so cool. We pull up at his door and he comes out and we proceed to have an amazing lesson full of him asking all these questions with things he's dealing with. And he was like, "People always say, 'Aye, why you meeting with Mormons?!' But I'm trying to tell them that y'all are cool and normal, I don't know what their problem is, y'all are chill." DT is a cool brotha. And we invited him to church, and he was like, "I'd love to but man, I got social anxiety." And boy, we just soothed away this cool brother's anxiety like it was nothing. He was also telling us how he'd met with missionaries in the past and how life just starts going better when he listens to us. We told us he is actually a song artist so we were like aye, and sang a song for him just cause. He was like, "Yoooo, I wanna write a song about y'all. Can y'all be backups for it?!?" And we were like uh, heck yeah! Way cool. He said he'd come to church this Sunday too. 

Hurrah for Israel!!

Elder Higginson

-Zone sports 
-Our friend Jesus! Hes precious
-Elder Wood is quite handsome
-A solid kickin rock, it gets good spin when you hit it right


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