Singing in Front of a Crowd of Cowboys


This week

has been wild. 

Very wild.

To get started, me and my companion had a wonderful wonderful lesson with a family that we're teaching. We had taught the restoration before, but we didn't have a chance to go into the Book of Mormon. And so we had a lesson that we had crafted to really hone down on the Book of Mormon. We testified, and we read, and we felt the spirit strongly. The Book of Mormon has such a special place in my heart, and a very special place in this church. It's truthfulness is the key to everything. It allows us to not have to worry, or fear regarding our own salvation. Because if the Book of Mormon is true, God has the church on the Earth today. A church with His power and authority, and prophets and apostles to lead it, Jesus Christ being the head. And that all hinges on one thing. And that's praying to know if the Book of Mormon is true. It's something that you need to have a sincere heart, faith in Jesus Christ, and willing to act on the answer you receive in order to get that answer. But if you are diligent and truly care and truly read, that is a promise from the Almighty God that you will receive that Witness. And God does not break His promises. During this lesson the Spirit witnessed to me again that the Book of Mormon is true. I had a mighty burning in my bosom and I knew that if I felt the Spirit that they did too.

I also had the crazy awesome experience to sing in front of a bunch of folk here in Texas, haha. It was the Yorktown 175th anniversary and is a big event with lots of people and barbecue and music. It was super cool, and we were able to talk to a lot of people and one person asked if we could sing and we said yeah, and then they were like I'm going to sign you up to sing! And we were like whoa, okay. And then we ended up singing "It as well with My Soul". And it went really well! We got lots of compliments and were able to hopefully make an impression on them and that they were able to feel the Spirit. Super cool experience that I'll remember forever. I will say I was so scared, that I had no appetite to eat dinner that day. Like all the anxiety, haha. There was a senior couple there that said that they would buy me dinner too, and I couldn't take them up on it, haha.

Anyhow, super busy, hurrah for Israel!!!
Elder Higginson 


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