Chile Pequines

 HOLY MOLY THEM PEPPERS ARE SPICY. LIKE WOAH. HOT. VERY VERY HOT. My mouth was " a lake of fire and brimstone," to quote the scriptures. The Spanish elders got them from some members and boy I was sweating like crazy. It was only some blessed milk the elders had that saved me. 

This week was a doozy! We got 2 friends to church! Which I haven't done in this area since I've gotten here. It was our friends Sid and Maria. Maria is quite the character, and wants to do missionary work like us (just need to help clarify all the false doctrine she believes in lol. Theres a lot haha....) but she came and enjoyed church! So did Sid. 

We had a friend who had come to church last Sunday who said he doesn't want to go back cause he still didn't know if it was the right path to go and wanted to stick with his own way which is sad. We gave him some very great, reasonable reasons to keep coming, but he's quite stubborn so we'll give him some breathing space, haha. (We'll get him for sure another time though.)

On the bright side, we got back in contact with a friend who was super elect, got antied by family, broke-up with us, told us not to come by, and now is more than happy to talk with us. God works in mysterious ways!! It was a prompting that led me to knock, and it was quite a good experience, haha. Got to make sure y'all listen to that still small voice. 

By next week I'll have transfer news....I've been out in Cuero for 4 transfers and with Elder Wood for 2 so we'll see what happens! I've already started to say goodbyes so it'll be quite embarrassing if I stay, hahahaha. But I've truly loved it here. I love the people, the members, and long open roads. Plus, I love my companion. All the singing we've done has just been splendid. 

Anywho, y'all keep empowering all that faith of y'alls into the fleshy tables of y'alls hearts for me that y'all may never falter and not faint when storms come y'alls way! Love y'all! Hurrah for Israel!!!

Elder Higginson


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