
Showing posts from June, 2023

Transferred to the Biggest District Ever

Hey, Ya'll!! Welp, I got transferred out of the boonies into the wonderfully wealthy side of San Antonio!:) and I am PUMPED. We cover two wards, and they are stacked. Tons of great youth and great members. We are getting fed which is pure bliss, and my new comp is Elder Lehnig! He's actually partially blind too, which is crazy! He uses a cane and everything, and y'all already know we got that handicapped parking spot, lol. But he's awesome and we are ready to grind:) There actually is a documentary on him called Blind Faith on KSL, which is wild, haha. Ya'll can watch it. He sadly doesn't have a beard on the mission..... And yup, I'm now the District leader over this area. Got 4 Sisters, 4 Elders, me and my comp, and 1 service missionary (His name is Elder Pieroni, and he's so cool) So there are 11 of us! And I'm ready to learn and grow a lot and seek all that revelation. This is my second transfer being a district leader.  I got no time, but I love

Singing in Front of a Crowd of Cowboys

  Wow. This week has been wild.  Very wild. To get started, me and my companion had a wonderful wonderful lesson with a family that we're teaching. We had taught the restoration before, but we didn't have a chance to go into the Book of Mormon. And so we had a lesson that we had crafted to really hone down on the Book of Mormon. We testified, and we read, and we felt the spirit strongly. The Book of Mormon has such a special place in my heart, and a very special place in this church. It's truthfulness is the key to everything. It allows us to not have to worry, or fear regarding our own salvation. Because if the Book of Mormon is true, God has the church on the Earth today. A church with His power and authority, and prophets and apostles to lead it, Jesus Christ being the head. And that all hinges on one thing. And that's praying to know if the Book of Mormon is true. It's something that you need to have a sincere heart, faith in Jesus Christ, and willing to act on

Chile Pequines

  HOLY MOLY THEM PEPPERS ARE SPICY. LIKE WOAH. HOT. VERY VERY HOT. My mouth was " a lake of fire and brimstone," to quote the scriptures. The Spanish elders got them from some members and boy I was sweating like crazy. It was only some blessed milk the elders had that saved me.  This week was a doozy! We got 2 friends to church! Which I haven't done in this area since I've gotten here. It was our friends Sid and Maria. Maria is quite the character, and wants to do missionary work like us (just need to help clarify all the false doctrine she believes in lol. Theres a lot haha....) but she came and enjoyed church! So did Sid.  We had a friend who had come to church last Sunday who said he doesn't want to go back cause he still didn't know if it was the right path to go and wanted to stick with his own way which is sad. We gave him some very great, reasonable reasons to keep coming, but he's quite stubborn so we'll give him some breathing space, hah

The Mighty Fast

  KABOOM!!! Man, this week was an explosion of just good stuff. I can't remember if I mentioned this in the last email, but I was prompted to get our entire branch to daily pray for our friends by name and fast for them this Sunday for them to come to church, cause y'all, I'll be for real. Getting people to church is a struggle out here.   But then BAM! This very Elder got our friend, Jesus, to church for the first time, and the sisters also got a friend to church for the first time too! I'm telling y'all--prayers and fasting got POWER! It's been like 8 weeks since I've gotten someone, but all those prayers paid off.  And man church was just splendid. The testimonies were so on point and both of the friends there liked it. Also something that's awesome is the lady the sisters brought to church is the sister to a whole family that we've been teaching and inviting to church for months. And the sister's friend loved church so much. She was crying a