WHY Faith has Power

 Well well well, look who we have here. Mmmmmmm i guess just a bunch a folk who like to read emails....

Well this one's a good one!! This week has been a time of revelation and glory. The power and authority that comes from being a missionary is quite extraordinary. You truly are set apart to testify and teach the truth. In 1 Nephi 10:19 it says when you diligently work and seek, truly the MYSTERIES OF GOD are unfolded unto you by the power of the Holy Ghost. And that's what happened to me this week. A mystery has been revealed to me by God. 

Now most people have heard time and time again to "just have faith" or "faith has power" or that "you will see miracles from God IF we have faith!" And I have always been curious about WHY. Why does faith have power to bring miracles in our lives? Why is it so necessary for that to happen? And these past few weeks I've seen a similar scripture a couple of times. 

For example 2 Nephi 31:14
       14 But, behold, my beloved brethren, thus came the voice of the Son unto me, saying: After ye have repented of your sins, and witnessed unto the Father that ye are willing to keep my commandments, by the baptism of water, and have received the baptism of fire and of the Holy Ghost, and can speak with a new tongue, yea, even with the tongue of angels, and after this should deny me, it would have been better for you that ye had not known me.

And we know that the unpardonable sin is denying the Holy Ghost. And why that is, is because if we gain evidence of God, if we see great miracles (that us believers know is from God, but disbelievers just say is a coincidence) and choose to say it's not from God, it will be held against them at the last day! And God doesn't want the faithless to be even more condemned by giving them evidence of Him. If he did, they would suffer even more. So God sometimes chooses not to give great miracles to the faithless. Because he knows that if He does bless them, they will not see it coming from Him and suffer. Soooooo how do we access God's power and miracles? It is by SHOWING God that we believe. We need to show God we believe! And when God blesses us, it's because He knows we will know by which power we are blessed! That at the last day, we'll say, "oh yeah, I already know it was God who gave me those miracles" and it won't be held against us. Rather it will strengthen the faith we already do have allowing us to exercise greater faith, and BOOM greater miracles. 

Like remember the story of the Bother of Jared? His faith was so great that he SAW GOD. Like it was SO STRONG that God knew He could show Himself. NOW IF GOD SHOWED HIMSELF TO A NONBELIEVER, the chance of them rejecting that sign is way high and then that person could become a Son of Perdition which is like SUPER BAD. You don't get a single bit of happiness. No telestial kingdom for them, but endless torment. And God doesn't want a chance of that happening. He'd rather not show Himself (or give solid evidence of Himself by miracles) so they can inherit at least some degree of Glory. 

That's why in Ether 12:6 it says that we will receive a witness AFTER our faith. Why??? Cause when we show God that we have faith, God can give us evidence that He is there, knowing BY OUR FAITH that His miracles won't be held against us. 

It also makes sense why we are blessed according to our faith. That the more faith we have, the more God can show us He's there without the chance that we reject His existence. Cause we prove by our efforts and faith that God gives us miracles, for we know that it is by HIM that these miracles come. 

That'd why God blesses the faithful. That's why He works miracles in our lives. And it's also why he doesn't bless those who don't believe or have faith. Of course He wants to bless all of His children, cause WE ARE ALL CHILDREN OF GOD. But why He doesn't, is alsoooo cause He loves us. 

Anyways, sorry this was long, I hope that made sense..... i love you all have a blessed week!! Hurrah for Israel!

Elder Higginson

No pics again. I'll repent


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