When God Wants You to Keep Teaching

 Okay y'all, this week has been spectacular. Lots of just happenstance instances where we run into to someone or knock on someone's door when you're like, "Okay God, I know you're trying to tell us something. What are we supposed to do now, haha."

One instance came when we were driving to Kenedy. We were running behind schedule and had skipped our personal study cause a member didn't allow us to leave until it had been an hour and a half lunch. So now we had do studies when we got to Kenedy. We happened to pass by a beautiful park by a river and I was like, "Hey, might as well do a short comp study in that pretty park." And so we pull up, and guess who we see. Our friend Sid. Going for a walk. And this man is older, and really wasn't progressing too much. So Elder Wood and I had decided to stop teaching him THAT DAY. And here we are, miles away from Sid's home, and he's just strolling along by our truck! In my mind I was like, "well shoot, okay God, I know this isn't a coincidence, so what are supposed to do here? We just stopped teaching this man cause we didn't think he was progressing, and you put us in his path again. So please direct us, cause you obviously still have plans for this fellow." Nothing came to mind so we walked over and had a great chat and he had read the Plan of Salvation Pamphlet we gave him! So I guess we'll keep on teaching and see where it goes. 

Had a cool experience where I think the REASON in Moroni 10:4 it says to ask God if the BoM is NOT TRUE is because it is far easier for us to recognize the Spirit when it's warning us of danger, of falsehood/deception, of sin, or of temptations. Such as the icky feeling of watching a movie that's inappropriate or vulgar and you know you shouldn't watch it. Or when you lie to someone, and you feel gross cause you sinned, and you felt icky doing it. Or when we hear false doctrine, it doesn't sit well with you! So when it comes to the BoM, it asks if it's NOT TRUE so that we will search ourselves for that same icky or gross feeling that we recognize as a warning from the Spirit. And if its not there, then shoot, maybe that feeling of contentment and peace is the Spirit! And that the BoM is true! Cause surely God would let you know if it was false, since the BoM is such a big deal, haha.

Anyways no more time. Hurrah for Israel!! God Bless y'all!

Elder Higginson

*Our district at a members house
*Sisters and us in our district


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