Mother's Day!

 Well howdy to all the Mothers who receive this😏 hahahaha y'all are the best! Keep doing those great things y'all are always doing. And for just being there when your kids need you. 

Had a sweet tender mercy the other day! (Honestly they happen quite frequently if your looking), but this one came while teaching one of our friends, and I was able to share and read with her what I had read that day in personal study! If I hadn't been reading that specific chapter that day, I wouldn't have had some just awesome scriptural backing for what she was talking about and hopefully got her hooked on the Book of Mormon, haha;)

We've tried to stay busy lately doing what we can to get this branch off the ground. We are teaching a few decently progressing people, which we're quite grateful for. And we also have been working with getting the members more missionary minded. And it seems to be working! Getting lots of glorious Book of Mormons with testimonies in them. Those are literal gold, haha. Plus, with most of our members living far out in the countryside, we are seeing lots of success with calling and having members bear their testimonies over the phone and just getting to know our friend. Honestly thought it would be slightly awkward at first, but I was wrong. It's great. Great for our friends and great for our members. 

We also had a great Mother's Day! We sang the song "I Often go Walking" and to spice it up, we made up a third verse. It was real nice and all the mother's loved it. I'm glad the Spirit helped make the song sound better than we could sing it, haha. We then went back to Cuero and stopped by a few of our friend we're teaching. And our friend Joanne answered her door who'd we been trying to meet with for a whileee! She's been struggling with a bunch of different stuff but she totally welcomed us in and we were able to sing our song and she loved it. The Spirit was there and just man. So sweet. She started to cry a little while we sang to her. Great experience. 

Anyway, don't have much time but remember to trust in the Lord! He's there for you and now I'm not sure it's recommended or not to ask for reassurance sometimes. Hahahaha, but it's quite reassuring when I do! Cause it's kinda like God opens your eyes a little more to see what miracles He puts in your life. Hurrah for Israel!

Elder Higginson

No photos, I'm sorry. Soon....


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