Being led without realizing it (Part 1)

 Wow, I got no time today y'all. 

Had a great week, but what really stood out was Sunday.

Let me begin. We wake up right at 6:30 a.m., ready to do the Lord's work. We realize it's Brant's Council today, so we got to be to church early. We grab our breakfast and get changed. We get in the car, and we're driving. We get a text. Our lesson in a town that's 45 minutes away from home canceled. I get a distinct feeling in my heart that we should go to the town of Smiley instead. For now, there's no reason to go to the previous town. I don't realize why we needed to go to Smiley, nor did I realize that we needed to in my mind, but my heart knew. We get to church, have a marvelous Sunday, and head off to perform the Lord's labors. To gather Israel. Any way we possibly know how. Get to Smiley and park, and thus begins the session. We begin with the mighty prayer, calling upon the Lord for blessings and strength that we may magnify our calling and our time in this small, less-than-a-thousand-people town. We set out with a smile on our faces and a bounce in our step. We see a man in his garden. We ask if he'd like a picture of Jesus. He says, "I don't speak English," in broken English. And then we just start preaching in Spanish. Just kidding, we don't know Spanish. Just kidding again, we know enough to get by, haha. We're testifying, asking if he wants to hear a message from Spanish-speaking missionaries sometime. Elder Wood clutches up, and we get his number and his name. We leave, and thus begin more street contacting. People are outside. One lady had a broken ankle, and we talked to her. She was kind of weird, but that's okay--we all are, haha. We finally wrap up after a good day's work. I realize that we forgot to get the address for the Spanish man, so we walk over to his house, and on the way, a truck pulls up. A lady gets out...............

And honestly, yeah, I'm so sorry, but I'm out of time haha my p-day ends in two minutes. So y'all can find out next week, haha. But it was a miraculous and spiritual experience that you're gonna have to look forward to next week.
Hurrah for Israel!!!

Elder Higginson


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