Being Lead Without Realizing It (Part II)

 Haha! Welcomeeeee back! Now to truly finish my story.....

A bit of background info if you missed the last one, basically we felt inspired to go to a small tiny town called Smiley to go finding. And we were wrapping up the day and remember to go and grab an address for a place, and on the way there we passed this RV. And a truck pulls up where lady comes out......

So the Magnificent Elder Wood calls out saying, hey! The woman doesn't even flinch, and continues walking to her RV. She opens the door and I boldly ask hey ma'am, would you like a little picture of Jesus?! She closes the door, turns toward us and says, I would love a picture of Jesus! So we stroll over and presented her with the beautiful gift of a tiny little card. We asked if she has faith in Christ, and she says, oh I'm actually LDS. I'm just inactive. And y'all know that me and Elder Wood were like, "Say whaaaaaat?" And she was like yep! And then I realized I knew her, and I know that she had wanted her sister to get a blessing a month and a half ago. And we were going to give it to her at church, but she had never showed up. So here we were in a small town in the middle of nowhere, and I felt inspired to ask would your sister still like a blessing? And she was like let me ask! Out comes her sister, and she was like I would love a blessing! And then I proceed to give a mighty blessing, being filled with the Holy Spirit. It was glorious, and the words went through me. It was funny because we were being eaten alive by mosquitoes and one was sucking out my life force through my pinky. And boy was it distracting during the blessing. My pinky was an itchy agony, distracting my thoughts, which allowed the spirit to move more fully through me. Cuz you see, my distraction of the blood draining out of my body through my pinky, allowed me to focus Less on what I might say. And it allowed the spirit to work through me more completely. After the blessing I thought back to The Words which I had said and I am quite confident that they did not come from my mind, but from God. Also weeks previously, I had run out of oil out in my vial and forgot to refill it. It was basically dry. And when we were asked to give the blessing I asked my companion if he had his oil. He did not. And I didn't know if I had much of any, so I said a prayer in my heart as we administered the blessing. I got out my vial and held it over her head and waited. And waited some more. And waited just a little bit longer. And then. I saw the tiny formation of a drop form. The very last of my oil dripped out onto her head. One solitary drop. Out of a container that was previously dry. It remind me of the story of the woman who was asked to feed the prophet. And every single time she went back from her oil and her flour there is just enough. Way cool experience. Everything flowed in order for me and Elder Wood to be at that RV within a 7 second interval. Do y'all know how crazy that is?! Seven seconds? Because that's how long it took the lady to get from the truck to the RV. And we were out street contacting, meaning we were only talking to people out on the street. So if you were outside we weren't going to knock on your door. And we had actually already walked down that same street. But God had a plan and God worked out everything, from the beginning of the day, in order for us to be in Smiley at that time so that we could perform a blessing for a child of God that needed it. It was truly a wonderful experience. Super cool.

Moral of the story, God will work in your life, from the beginning of the day to the end to direct you where you need to be, when you need to be there. I testify to y'all that God truly does have a plan and He knows how to accomplish it. LIKE HE LITERALLY KNOWS EXACTLY HOW TO ACCOMPLISH IT. So basically, as we strive to be more obedient and more Christ-like, it allows the spirit to direct us both with revelation and inspiration. Because obedience and striving to develop Christlike attributes allow us to be more in tune to that spirit. And with that Spirit we can be guided in all things. In our life choices, or in regard to dangerous situations, or just plain feelings of comfort and hope and peace that we all desire. Those gifts are waiting for you, you just need to open yourself up to him. Strive to be worthy of all the covenants y'all have made, and the windows of heaven will be opened up in your behalf.

Anyhow, back to normal missionary stuff. We had transfers, and I'm staying in the boonies for a 4th transfer. I was also made District Leader, so I'll probably be it for one transfer, haha. But it'll be grand, we'll make a good go of it. I'm excited for an opportunity to grow, cuz God knows I need a lot of growing to do before I get back home.

We also had the neat experience to sing I Stand All Amazed at a baptism last Sunday. It was really nice, and we hadn't practiced too much, and the harmonies are also very difficult for that song to find. But I'm glad I have Elder Wood with me, because he is an excellent singer, and has really taught me how to harmonize, and we just blend so well. It's glorious, truly glorious. So we kind of winged it, and it turned out pretty decent. The spirit was there, and everything went smoothly! 

Hurrah for Israel!!

Elder Higginson


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