I'll Walk Through Hail For You

 What a crazy week y'all. LIKE WUT IN THE WORLD KIND OF CRAZY.

Started off with an exchange with an absolute champion of an Elder, Elder Dunkley. He's been out like a month and is so fun and earnest. I loved our exchange, gave me a taste of what I'd be like to train, and boy I can't wait. He was just so ready to learn everything he could from how I do things and he's so cool. We had our first lesson with a lady who was like full on ready to bash us about Joseph Smith and prophets. But I showed Elder Dunkley how to both confound a basher and resolved conflict to prepare us for our next lesson! Haha, well get her good too;) (I'm just playing y'all, I had no idea how the spirit saved us from getting into a heated argument and her getting so whooped by us that she'd never speak to us again, haha. Bashers are so tricky to deal with.)

We moved apartments which was honestly low-key stressful. All of our stuff was everywhere in the new apt and it hadn't been cleaned. The old renter must have had a dog cause the apt is FULL of hair. How the dog managed to not only get hair everywhere but also into every drawer and cabinet is beyond me, haha. So to put it lightly, we had a lot of cleaning to do. But it's a decent apt none the less and we're still pushing hard. It'll feel like home soon. 

We sang at a funeral for one of our member's siblings, and it went swell! We sang "It is Well With My Soul," and man Elder Wood is awesome. Great singer and we have done quite well making harmonies and blending together. We then sang the same song at church the next day. 

We had a really awesome lesson with our friend Jesus this week. (I love that name, haha) We really got him ready to come to church and into reading the Book of Mormon. We left our lesson with him reading it, so I know some good stuff will come from that.

The biggest highlight was Brother Dalton. He came down to Yorktown to visit some members, and I got to see him. And he told me that the friends I had baptized are honestly doing so good and are going to be lifelong members. And that's like a dream come true for any missionary. Truly. I feel that I almost don't deserve to be how happy I am right now. I left two days after she and her daughter were baptized and apparently, the new missionaries didn't show her how to do tithing! So for the past 4 MONTHS SHES BEEN SETTING THE 10% ASIDE AND JUST BEEN WAITING FOR SOMEONE TO SHOW HER HOW RO PAY IT. Which is CRAZY. AHHHH SHE'S SO FLIPPING AWESOME! And this was all found out in her temple recommend interview. I also found out that her daughter has her recommend and is going to girls' camp this summer as well which is just so darn cool. I love God. I really really don't think I'm a good enough missionary to get a blessing like those two. So many other missionaries don't get that opportunity, and they are often far better than me. Quite humbling. 


Dallin forgot to mention the reason for his title. They had a major storm with crazy lightening and hail--not quite golf ball sized, but he could hear it really loud when he was taking a shower. It damaged the hood of their truck and cracked their windshield. They said their neighbor's cars were much worse off than theirs.

Me and Elder Wood
Elder Dunkley
Hail damage on our truck hood
Hail cracked our truck windshield
Cow Mailbox
Brother Dalton
Elder Dunkley


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