Found a Couch and Singing is Sweet!

 What's going on y'all?!?! Hope life is treating y'all well and you're continuing to grow that relationship with God....cause it's pretty important. 

So I have been on my mission these past 8 months, and wow, it's been sweet! This week we got asked by a member to sing at a funeral because she really liked us singing at church and felt the spirit which was what we were going for! So we asked what she wanted us to sing and she didn't know, so we were like, "What about 'It is Well With My Soul'?" And she loved the idea, so we've been practicing our best haha, and praying we do a half decent job. But everyone there is going to be nonmembers as well so hopefully some hearts are softened enough for us to sneak in THE TRUTH! 

Also mentioned to our Zone leaders how we sang at church and they asked us to sing it at Zone Conference in front of like 70 missionaries. So that was terrifying but went great! There was a little added vibrato cause I was shaking, hahaha. It's one thing to sing in front of old people, it's another to sing in front of Elders and Sisters your age haha. 

And we were doing some service for a member, and they asked us to drag their couch outside to the sidewalk because someone would take it....and we were like, "Ummmmmmmm, could we be blessed by you and take your glorious couch?" And she was like, sure, I don't want it. So we were like COOL THX. And we snagged the most wonderful couch ever. It has recliners. It has pure comfort. It has a small tear in it from a knife. It has HEATED seats! (Not sure who'd want heated seats in Texas, but hey come what may) And most gloriously, it has vibrating seats--YEAH, I KNOW, WE ARE LIVING IN LUXURY. 

Had quite a few wonderful lessons but I don't have much time. Simply put, we shook their very spirits and ignited a glorious burning flame to read the Book of Mormon and find out if it's true. 
So Hurrah for Israel!

Elder Higginson

-we did some service for a man and we toured his fancy house he's renovating
- a juicy cockroach. Sorry, y'all, but if you're grossed out, imagine living with these things;)
-an awesome Sister is leaving this transfer. Shout out to Sister Howser
-glue traps are quite sticky. Sorry again, this is probs wasn't necessary....
-zone sports that took an hour and a half to get there....we needed it tho. It's kinda lonely out here. I'm great tho! Getting those people converted
-mmmmm clouds


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