Staying in Cuero

Y'all, I just got to say that I love the boonies. I love the long drives, the time spent with all the old folks, and the cows and pastures. There are many memories that I've made. 

I may have accidentally miscalculated our miles so hahaha uhhhhhh......we are barely gonna make the cut. Basically, we've been hitting the streets of small-town Cuero prettyyy hard lately. 

It was a fun week tho! Had an exchange with Elder Secrist where I walked away so incredibly enlightened, it was crazy! The rules and science behind the world and God and the Atonement. If y'all are curious, watch the talk "Meaning of the Atonement". It's sooooo good. Also, Elder Secrist is a tank. I love him.

Got to help out at the Cuero 150th anniversary. Did service for the people and got to help out setting up the Farmers Market. Had quite the country concert, and lots of gals had prom dresses on cause it was the same day as prom.

Had a CRAZY good lesson with our friend Lisa. And wow, she's honestly so cool. Had a slightly apostate 2-hour restoration lesson with her, and her comprehension level is top tier. She was asking questions like, "what if God called a prophet after the Bible was created and He had written down scripture?" Or "if the apostles died, then does no church have authority?" And "if God calls another prophet today, how can we know? What if God HAS called prophets today and we didn't know?" Basically, she's super elect, and she loved the restoration. We're praying that she gets an answer to her prayers so hopefully, she does! Cause she was telling us that she just wants MORE about God! And she was just thirsting for the Word. And we gave it to her, haha!

We got transfer news!! I'm staying, and I'm getting Elder Wood. And he is one the greatest missionaries I've met in the mission, and one of my best friends. So y'all know it's gonna be a banger transfer ahead of us:)

-I like trains
-wasn't ready for that photo...
-land, I want land
-me and my companions shadow haha
-farmers market
-the sesquicetennial or 150th anniversary with lots of classic automobiles
-huge courthouse in cuero



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