Preachin' to Pastors

 Well, I sure am glad the church is true, folks! We all got lucky being a part of it. (If u aren't, you can get with the missionaries in your area, and u will be soon, haha) Gonna be a short email cause, well, idk what to talk about....

SIKE!! So one day, we went up to a town called Shiner for hours, and boy, they are tough nuts to crack. It's a very well-kept town of about 3,000 people. The town's main industry is a beer company, and they have an enormous brewery there. Ran into a very drunk fellow, which we thought was quite fitting, haha. And all the workers and people that live there are hard-core Catholic. Which is great that they are passionate about their religion and Jesus and all, but it sure makes it harder for us to share the truth!! To be fair, I'd be quite active with the chapel they have in town. It's flipping prestigious, haha. Straight out of Europe. Makes sense that people wouldn't want to leave that building, so not much luck with sharing anything that day....(Of course, I think temples are way more magnificent, but we don't get to meet in temples every week. Well, as least as missionaries, haha. Y'all still can!)

But then we got the scoop on when our temple trip is, and it'll be next week on Tues so my email will be a day late. So I'm very pumped to be filled with the Spirit and knowledge. If any of y'all haven't gone fully through the temple, well....there is a reason that the covenants you make are saving ordinances. The covenants you make truly open yourself up to God and the Spirit. Something I've been pondering this week is true repentance. And what it means and how it feels. The repentance process is honestly amazing. It's a gift from God that allows us to come unto him and receive blessings, joy, and glory. The guilt, stress, and inner torment you feel from mistakes you've made will be removed, and you can feel peace! And that comes from offering yourself up to God and trusting in that process. To trust God over all else. To be good with Him is far better than being good with the world. So remember to fear God more than fear man, haha

We had a lesson with a Pastor and it honestly went pretty well, haha. I was surprised, and we established a lot of common ground. Ground that we will build upon;) We talked, and both learned from one another. Of course, we have different beliefs regarding a few things. Talked about how he had felt the call from God to be a pastor to help people come unto Christ. Had a spiritual experience concerning it. So we kinda trying to figure out how someone can be called of God, yet not have His authority to know the truth of His gospel; however, once you gain a testimony of the Book of Mormon, then shoot, looks like the Church is true and their ain't nothing you can do.

We also had an awesome lesson with our friend Eric. He is so humble and was honestly kind of beating himself up about not reading the Book of Mormon when if he really wanted to, he could have. But it was really cool to see that he takes his word seriously. Honestly don't see that much out here, haha. Keeping commitments is almost unheard of around here, it feels like. But we are meeting with him again tonight, so hopefully, he's read!

Anyhow, I love y'all. Hope y'alls day goes just swimmingly. Hurrah for Israel!!

Elder Higginson

Not a lot of photos of myself....
-catholic church so yall know what I'm working with out here
-just me;)


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