My Cousin Alvin

 This week was good! Met a super cool young man who honestly wanted to come to know God better and felt super uplifted after meeting with us. It was really cool to see a youth actually caring about his eternal progression! And he was super open and honest with us about things he's struggled with but also how he overcame and repented which is what we talked with him about. Probably one of my favorite lessons to be honest. And he hasn't been baptized which he told us, but he wants to so hopefully he hasn't been baptized since we last met with him so we can talk about it and its importance so we can baptize him I'm the true church instead haha. He's way cool though.

Met some Shakers this week!! Just kidding, they aren't literally Shakers but basically the same thing, and dang they are interesting haha. They are the kind of folk who we can read about D&C where they say the Spirit came upon them causing them to speak gibberish and ask like wild animals and whatnot. The lady we met talked about the gift of tongues and I learned that people believe that it is when the Spirit fills you and causes you to talk in gibberish so the devil can't understand or hear you or something? Also learned about being spiritually drunk, lol. Can't believe that's actually viewed as a doctrinal term, haha. People are so fascinating! Love them and their beliefs tho. Amazing Children of God. 

Also met a very cool fellow who is Native American. We'll probably blow his mind with the Book of Mormon if our lesson this week goes through. He's really sweet. 

We met a man! He was drinking and smoking when we met with him, but he didn't seem toooo loopy. Set up a return appointment just to see if he'll be more, uh, well, "there," I guess. Came back around and turns out the cops came the other day and he's in prison! Pretty crazy haha. I love this area. So fun. 

My companion was goofing around in the bathroom and punched a hole in the wall. He's super embarrassed haha. Good ole' Elder Van Leeuwen. Love those memories. 

At church this week a speaker talked about the importance of pondering after you say a prayer and that was something I realized that could work on. So that night when I got down on my knees to pray, I waited. And I waited. And I waited some more, and suddenly I felt a wonderful weight upon me. I instantly thought of my cousin Alvin Strauss. And I started to cry haha. My cousin died in a car accident around 11 or 12 years ago? I remember having a sleepover with him and my cousin Kal and having a wonderful time. We played and laughed and goofed off, haha. The next day is when we received news of the car accident, and I remember fasting and praying so hard for him. Cause I loved him! I remember being at the hospital for those final moments, and it was a struggle for me. I can't imagine how it was for Alvin's family. They truly are an example to me, and I really look up to them. I'd like to bear my testimony on ministering angels to y'all. They are there! They care and are listening and will lift you up. I can't imagine the battles they face trying to help me and you make the right choices, haha. I know that my loved ones are watching over me. I've, in reality, felt them. I love them. And I know I'll see them again. In the flesh. For we are FAMILY. And nothing can break that binding covenant. The covenant you make that seals families together forever. 

So remember y'all, to make the best of y'all's time together. With your family, with your friends. Don't want to have regrets, right? Love one another, comfort those in need of comfort, and mourn with those who mourn. Never know when God is going to call someone to join the ranks of angels ministering to us! Hurrah for Israel!!

Elder Higginson

-those goofyredneck ranchhands originated from a small town in my area. But hey, you never know, it would be handy with all these deer out here. 
-French toast
-Haha the destruction! It's honestly not that bad. 


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