Celestial Time in the Temple

 Howdy howdy howdy

Wassup yall. This week was a banger. Mostly in events and things done, rather than too many results from missionary work, however, that's okay. We'll keep working them streets till our shoes wear out. 

Got to do some lumber work this week! Unfortunately, I could not use my "expert" chainsaw skills on them trees since it's against the rules as a missionary, but I was right at home hauling and stacking that wood. Honestly, it was kinda weird doing it since it was a chore I did a lot back home, but I felt mostly just happy and comfortable in my task and not too trunky, haha. Never would have thought that hauling wood would remind me of home and be something I've missed, lol. 

Our super cool friend who was 17 blocked us because of his family telling him all sorts of things about our church I'm sure. So that's a bummer, but it is what it is. I'm sure he'll accept him someday;) It is something I wanna work on as a missionary. Expressing the importance of going to God for answers rather than the opinions and interpretations of men. 

I got to go to the San Antonio temple this week and it was just marvelous. So beautiful and very intricate designs and woodwork. I loved it so much. The spirit was just THERE, ya know? Couldn't help but think good thoughts and really feel love for God and ALL his children. Which is cool. There actually was a blind man in our endowment session and I was the person who led him along which was just way cool. A very special experience, especially when during the prayer, they specifically pray for the missionaries. Like for ME! Which is CRAZY!! I'm just well, me ya know? Kinda made me a bit emotional just knowing how much God loves me. Individually. And He loves our friends too! And they are being prayed for in the temple as well! And the fact is, is that missionary work is so important to God right now. Actually THE most important thing to God. It's that gathering of Israel. That's why it is prayed for in every temple. That's why it's prayed for across the whole world. 

We had a really fun branch game night this week! Would have been better if some of our friends who said they'd come actually came, however we really got to build some member trust which was legit. Tho we have a member who lives right across the street who's in a wheelchair and he was like, "Yeah, just wheel me over, I'll be ready and waiting for y'all. I live for social events!" Anddddd we forgot to wheel him over... like we had no excuse, too. We remembered right at the very end so we sent got the leftovers from the tacos and gave him them with our sincere apologies, but u could tell that he was a bit bummed, but didn't want us to feel bad. Suchhhh a rip. We felt so bad.

But y'all keep working on those testimonies alright?! Remember to say them prayers. Alma said that even if u only have a desire to have faith, that is enough. That you need to nourish that desire to have faith with scriptures and prayer and as u give time and open your heart to the word of God your desire for faith will truly become FAITH. Faith to move the mountains in your life. God has so much in store for y'all if y'all just open up to him. He has abundant blessings available for us that He wants to give us, we just need to open up to Him a little more. To seek and ask and knock. To do all three.  
Hurrah for Israel!!

Elder Higginson

-The smolder
-The gang getting them blessings
-another Catholic church:)
-people apparently like salt on watermelon and if yall know me....well I like salt haha. It was uh interesting.
-the tree cutting!! See all them branches? Yahhh I cut it all up with only a pair of clippers. (Just kidding, however
it's a funny thought.)
-the old fellas and a couple young fellas just felling trees haha. 
-we conquered


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