
Showing posts from March, 2023

Staying in Cuero

Y'all, I just got to say that I love the boonies. I love the long drives, the time spent with all the old folks, and the cows and pastures. There are many memories that I've made.  I may have accidentally miscalculated our miles so hahaha uhhhhhh......we are barely gonna make the cut. Basically, we've been hitting the streets of small-town Cuero prettyyy hard lately.  It was a fun week tho! Had an exchange with Elder Secrist where I walked away so incredibly enlightened, it was crazy! The rules and science behind the world and God and the Atonement. If y'all are curious, watch the talk "Meaning of the Atonement". It's sooooo good. Also, Elder Secrist is a tank. I love him. Got to help out at the Cuero 150th anniversary. Did service for the people and got to help out setting up the Farmers Market. Had quite the country concert, and lots of gals had prom dresses on cause it was the same day as prom. Had a CRAZY good lesson with our friend Lisa. And wow, she&

Celestial Time in the Temple

  Howdy howdy howdy Wassup yall. This week was a banger. Mostly in events and things done, rather than too many results from missionary work, however, that's okay. We'll keep working them streets till our shoes wear out.  Got to do some lumber work this week! Unfortunately, I could not use my "expert" chainsaw skills on them trees since it's against the rules as a missionary, but I was right at home hauling and stacking that wood. Honestly, it was kinda weird doing it since it was a chore I did a lot back home, but I felt mostly just happy and comfortable in my task and not too trunky, haha. Never would have thought that hauling wood would remind me of home and be something I've missed, lol.  Our super cool friend who was 17 blocked us because of his family telling him all sorts of things about our church I'm sure. So that's a bummer, but it is what it is. I'm sure he'll accept him someday;) It is something I wanna work on as a missionary. Expr

My Cousin Alvin

  This week was good! Met a super cool young man who honestly wanted to come to know God better and felt super uplifted after meeting with us. It was really cool to see a youth actually caring about his eternal progression! And he was super open and honest with us about things he's struggled with but also how he overcame and repented which is what we talked with him about. Probably one of my favorite lessons to be honest. And he hasn't been baptized which he told us, but he wants to so hopefully he hasn't been baptized since we last met with him so we can talk about it and its importance so we can baptize him I'm the true church instead haha. He's way cool though. Met some Shakers this week!! Just kidding, they aren't literally Shakers but basically the same thing, and dang they are interesting haha. They are the kind of folk who we can read about D&C where they say the Spirit came upon them causing them to speak gibberish and ask like wild animals and whatn

Preachin' to Pastors

  Well, I sure am glad the church is true, folks! We all got lucky being a part of it. (If u aren't, you can get with the missionaries in your area, and u will be soon, haha) Gonna be a short email cause, well, idk what to talk about.... SIKE!! So one day, we went up to a town called Shiner for hours, and boy, they are tough nuts to crack. It's a very well-kept town of about 3,000 people. The town's main industry is a beer company, and they have an enormous brewery there. Ran into a very drunk fellow, which we thought was quite fitting, haha. And all the workers and people that live there are hard-core Catholic. Which is great that they are passionate about their religion and Jesus and all, but it sure makes it harder for us to share the truth!! To be fair, I'd be quite active with the chapel they have in town. It's flipping prestigious, haha. Straight out of Europe. Makes sense that people wouldn't want to leave that building, so not much luck with sharing anyt