Someone Baked Us A Cake

Howdy, howdy, howdy

Man, how is life treating y'all?! Cause it's treating me just fine, haha. Anyways not too much happened this week. Got to meet the new Sister who transferred to our area. She's cool. 

Had a cool lesson with our friend Robert! He's pretty old and very open to finding out if Joseph Smith is a prophet. He's been real and I love how he asks questions when he's confused about something so we can answer. OH YEAH. He asked about Adam being the first prophet which it says in the restoration pamphlet we give out and we were like oh yeah! So we managed to explain it as well as modern revelation and whatnot to him regarding info on Adam. Cause y'all in the bible, it says nothing about Adam being a prophet, just some context clues haha. But we pointed out those clues which imply he's a prophet as well as other things so yeah and we resolved his concerns. But back to him, we invited him to church, and he said he wants to really feel that it's true first, howeverrrr he was like, "Because once I open that door by going to church, I'm not planning on closing it." Which for us is like, LET'S GO! Sooo hopefully we'll get him to progress and come to church in a couple weeks and then we can get this man under the water!

My doctrinal knowledge, lately tho is getting HUGE. Just been asked many different questions about doctrine and our religion and watched my companions answer them and myself looking into answers, so now I feel I can be adequately prepared for most questions, even if the answer is idk because only God knows.

For the Cake thing, the Sister Missionaries in our area wanted to bake a cake and they wrote in quite the decorative, fancy, sophisticated writing, "Sisters are Better than Elders" and gave it to us today, which was like wayy funny. So yup, now I've been eating a cake that is soooooooo not true;) jkjk I'm just playing. But I do feel like I've admitted defeat by eating it, hahaha. 

Oh, we had a great conversation with the people who live underneath us, including the gal who met with the Jehovah Witnesses. Just to be clear, they talked to us, not the other way around, and gave an opening for us to teach them soooooooo they are free game now. The JW better bring their A game cause, boy y'all already know we gonna be pulling all the stops, haha. May the truest religion win. Jkjk don't want to say that, just in case the positives of a church that has great Fellowship abilities, a very nearby location, and missionaries who can literally give rides to people, sway them over the truth which we bring, haha. 

Anywho not much other than that. Hope y'all have a spectacular week and choose the right, so u don't have to feel guilty about it later, lol. Love y'all. Hurrah for Israel!!!

Elder Higginson

-pretty sky
-hanging out with some of our youngest members in our branch! Jkjk their ages are the average.
-saying goodbye to Sister Paystrup. She's awesome
- got some good FOOD
-the cake
-yahhh, we gonna get this doggie baptized for sure. Just working on the understanding and comprehension....


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