Raining Buckets Part 1

Wassssup y'all. Just your typical missionary sending another email bout his journey through redneck territory. The bigger your beard, truck, beer-belly, and gun is, the greater respect you gain out here.

This week was WILD. Lots of really cool experiences of trusting in the lord. We went tracting and ran into a really cool lady and had a very solid lesson I'm our first contact which isn't typically what happens, usually we just give them something to think about or summarize the restoration or something and set up a return appointment later. However we were just teaching, and she was just drinking in all the logic and spirit, and she was just like like wow, this makes a lot of sense.  We went over the first vision though, and she was like wait he SAW God??? And we were like, yes, Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ. And she was like, darn it, I don't believe that. No one can see God and live. And I didn't know what to say other than some vague mention of transfiguration and stories in the bible. But then my comp was like, holy cow, I studied this very thing TODAY. And he proceeded to read a bunch of great Bible verses that told about how the holy spirit can come upon you and help you endure God's presence. And she was like, oh cool, okay, that makes sense. Elder Van Leeuwen was just prompted to study that very thing for the first time on his mission that very day. 

It's been dumping so much rain lately. One day we had finished all of our studies and were like, "welp, you wanna go street contacting? Got nothing else to do." So we went street contacting. Of course, no one was outside cause you'd have to CRAZY to have been out there....I guess we are a little bit crazy. It rained 2 inches in like 4 hours, and we were completely soaked....never had so much fun, though, haha. I bet the people in the cars that drove past thought we had lost our minds. We are actually very well known in our town, though, so we thought it would be a great opportunity to show people what we are willing to do for the Lord, haha. 

Don't have a lot of time I'll do part two next week.
Hurrah for Israel!!


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