Wassup y'all

What a great week to be sure. Definitely getting some juicy personal revelation lately. Taking time to just read the scriptures, especially the BoM just resolves concerns about people we are teaching and things that've been pondering. 

First off, to address the title I'm sure y'all are panicking about.....jkjk y'all can find out in a couple paragraphs.

Yeah, the mission's been awesome. Just hit 6th months the other day, which is wack. Feels like yesterday I was in the MTC. Though I do think I've really been changing. Especially my outlook and perspective on missionary work and life in general. Each month I feel like my perspective changes, and I feel like each month, my will is getting closer to God's will, and I'm slowly becoming to see people and challenges the way God wants me to. This week I read 3 Nephi 21, and it talked a lot about how God covenanted with his people that he would gather Israel together again. And the sign that this gathering would begin is when the Book of Mormon comes forth upon the earth. And that gathering has begun. As y'all know, God always keeps his end of the covenants he makes. ALWAYS. And as a missionary, it is SO COOL to think I am helping God keep His covenant He's made. It took being an instrument in His hands to a WHOLE new level. That I am LITERALLY instrumental in His promise. And y'all can be too!!!!!!! Gathering Israel, aka missionary work and temple work, is THE MOST important thing happening IN THE WORLD. Like nothing compares, and nothing will bring y'all more blessings. Be a part of helping God keep His covenants He's made. You will NOT regret it, and flip, take my word for it--that it's so worth it. 

Had a cool exchange with a Spanish elder in my district. He's sweet and man, he loves his mission so darn much, it's really cool. I love it too, but man, I aspire to reach his level.

Had a friend breakup with us. He was the super-elect one who called us after reading the pamphlet. He even shared the first vision video we showed him with his sister and testified of it. Butttttt, his family totally just were whispering in his ear about he's so confused and too trusting and doesn't know what he's talking about and if he wants to know the truth, he should just talk to a baptist pastor cause he knows the truth or whatever, and they told him not to read the Book of Mormon cause it will confuse him even more. We really tried to reassure him and testified strongly of the restoration and how they are kinda manipulating him, but to no avail. BUT everyone has agency to make their own choices, so as long as I'm doing my best, I'm sitting well with God.

Anyhow about leaving the mission......it really was an accident. Totally were driving, and we were like, "Oh shoot, we just entered Yoakum, and this isn't in our mission, haha." GPS, for some reason, takes us to the route that we specifically choose not to take. Our area is really big and right on the edge, and so the quickest route to one of the towns we cover is actually through the town of Yoakum. It's actually a really cool town, haha. But yeah, we just made sure to get back to our mission as soon as reasonably possible.

-sidewalk to nowhere
-a member knitted me a bennie 
-the gang
-the breakup
-the exchange 


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