Trio, Transfers, and Totally Awesome Baptisms!

This week was awesome! We got to say goodbye to Elder Eldredge and became a trio! I was pretty excited because Elder Jackson is an amazing Elder and a lot easier to get along with which I have been missing a bit. We had some fun lessons across Woodlake and Converse.

I'm also being transferred out of my baby area. I feel like I'm almost a full-grown maAn! (Please imagine a voicecrack when reading the word maAn) But I am headed out to the boonies! Basically the middle of nowhere in a town called Cuero. Our area is HUGE, and we get to drive a truck which is cool. I think we cover around 20 towns? Most of them are tiny, while Cuero is the biggest at 8,000 people. I'm sad to leave the area but at the same time a bit relieved to have a new comp. At Woodlake, though, we have a friend that's 14 who's super close to being put on date, and his mom is a member and it's just great. I'm sad I'm leaving so I won't be able to see him get baptized. Woodlake is just an amazing area. Best ward ever. Fellowshipping is a bigger priority for me, and I've seen so much success because of it. I'm excited for the experience in Cuero, though!! I'm gonna miss having such a strong solid ward but looking forward to new ways of doing things. 

We also had 2 Baptisms on Saturday, which went AWESOME. It was for Jamie and Enjolie. I love them a lot, been working with them since I met them 4 months ago. So many members and people showed up, and they are just so solid. We sent them a text asking how their reading is going, and they said they were literally in the middle of reading Matthew from the Come Follow Me which we didn't even invite them to do specifically. They are so elect, and I know they are going to the temple. I've seen a huge change in them these past few transfers. Definitely going to reach out when I'm away. 

We went to the zoo on P-day. It was loads of fun. Elder Jackson and I messed around the whole time--it was a party. Lots of funny-looking animals haha. But def a super fun day.

Also had a funny story where we found a staircase built for a bunkbed on the side of the road. And we desired it. However we were on bikes, so there would be no way to take it home unless........we give Brother Dalton a call! He's the best member ever. Y'all are probs thinking that having him pick that up for us is a bad use of members and member trust, but he gets annoyed when we aren't using him for stuff! So there! And he couldn't have been happier to help--he thought it was quite amusing. We also found quite a nice rolling chair that was also going to be thrown away that we snagged a few weeks ago. Plus a bunch of tire rims and a couple of cracked side mirrors of cars that we found on the ground. They now decorate our walls. It's like the one quote. One man's junk is another missionaries treasure, lol. 

We also saw some cool miracles this week, and I'm okay with leaving Woodlake in Elder Wheeler's hands. He's a great teacher, and the work will def go forward. He's just a bit hard to get along with, lol. Hurrah for Israel, though!!

Elder Higginson

-Jamie and Enjoli's baptisms!! They are awesome. Jamie's Brother-in-law was actually a member so he did the Baptisms. It was super special. 
-a few pics of the treasures we found, plus a pic with my fav member, Brother Dalton. He's awesome.
-one handsome fellow
-the zoo


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