Time time

This week was pretty sweet! Went by really quick because I did a few exchanges with other missionaries and had zone conference on top of that. 

I got to practice my Spanish during one of the exchanges because I went to the Spanish area. I basically couldn't understand anything, however, at zone conference, we had a training where all the missionaries were taught some basic things to say to those who speak Spanish so that we can communicate and give referrals to the Spanish missionaries. It was actually quite fun and President approved all the English speakers to have 15 minutes a day to study Spanish till the end of the transfer. I'm already doing better,

One of the big things at zone conference was that President changed our policy on Temples. Beforehand, a missionary was only allowed to go twice during their mission (going with friends for their first time does not count with those two times). And I have been really missing the temple on my mission, however, I have been trying to space out my two visits, so I haven't been able to go. But NOW President announced that we will be able to go as a district every 3 or 4 transfers! Which was literally an answer to my unspoken prayers. 

We did some service setting up this festival for Cuero, and afterward, we decided to swing by and talk to some people there. And we had one of the most bizarre experiences of my life. There was this group of men who were members of this church, and they were so interesting!! But they were just talking to us so much and invited us to church and stuff, and then they were like hey! We need to say a prayer with y'all! And we, of course, said we'd love to have a prayer. Now, this is when it gets weird. They had us all gather around into tight huddle, and we assumed we were going to do one of those holding hands prayers. But then their pastor put his hands on our shoulders and just started praying, and allllll the other men started moving in close and putting their hands on our back and shoulders and whispered things like, "Praise His name.....oh hallelujah.....so mighty and strong....ahhhh all the blessings......mmmmm yeeeesss Jesus...." eta. And they would move close and move away, giving their words an extra "mystical" effect I guess? This was all while the main pastor is saying his prayer. Afterward, my comp and I were talking about it. And boy, was it weird, just like people say our church is weird....

But life is good out here! Love meeting lots of fun Texas hicks. Hurrah for Israel!!

-Elder Higginson


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