Wearing All White

Howdy! Texas got over the little cold bit, and it's back to 80-degree days, haha. Plus, it's pretty humid too. It's nice, though.

I got to have exchanges with my guy Elder Leung Choi! He's super awesome, we click so easily and we are going through some similar stuff. Got to really talk a lot and grinded out some work. And then we stopped by a less active member, but she wasn't home. However, the grandmother and her 3 grandkids were there, and I was like, "Well hey, would y'all like to hear a Christmas message anyway?" And they were so excited, and all came outside. There was an 11-year-old boy, a 9-year-old girl, and an 8-year-old girl. We started just asking some questions and found out that the grandkids' mom died, and they live with their grandma. They are literally the sweetest kids ever. After hearing this, I KNEW that I had to share the plan of salvation with them. And it was just so cool, and they were so involved with the lesson and just precious kiddos. When I told them that they would be able to see their mom again, I could see so much joy and light in their smiles and eyes. And just telling them that their mom would scoop them up in her arms someday brought them so much joy. They wanted it so darn bad. And they wanted to hear so much more, but we had to go, and we were like, when can we come back, and they all were like, "Okay, so I get out of school at this time, and this day we would all be together! The grandmother said she had to feed us as well, and the kids tried hard to give us some candy they got from school. They were so nice and wanted to give us everything they could. And then we gave them some plan of salvation pamphlets, and the kids were SO PUMPED. They said they were going to read it all day at school and couldn't wait. The youngest talked about how she sometimes hears her mom, and we told her about the spirit world and how her mom is so proud of her and is watching over her. That made her so happy. Anywho, best lesson ever. Those kids are going to get baptized. No doubt in my mind. Most kids I've met don't really care about hearing a message, haha. I'm sad that they aren't in my area, but really glad I got to be a part of that lesson. 

Went to a senior couple's house, and they have one of those water-shooting Japanese toilets like what Uncle Bob has. Very fun experience, lol. 

Then we had Damien's baptism!! It was awesome, and tons of members showed up to show support and two of our investigators that are on date were there so they could see it. There was even a guy who showed up to help set something up for another ward, and I was like, hey! You wanna join us for our friend's baptism?! He was like, "Of course!!" And later I heard from a member that the guy has been married to a member for years but hadn't joined the church. But he had an awesome experience, and he even started clapping when I baptized Damien cause he felt the spirit so strongly and was so happy and excited for him. So that's awesome! Too bad he's not in our ward so I won't be teaching him, but other Elders will, so that's sweet. 

Damien himself was so excited to be baptized. We looked great together in all white, and he was just ecstatic. When we went down into the font, though, the water level was like a half foot above my knees....soooooooo yup. Shallow font that was built for kids, I guess. But I got him under on the first try, and he was just so happy and loved just being so clean. One of our friends named Jamie was there, and she started crying when it happened and said she felt the spirit so strongly. And she told us that she NEVER cries. Like ever, but she was overwhelmed with emotion and the Spirit and joy for Damien. She was so proud of him for making that promise with god. She's also on date for December 31st, and she and her daughter are definitely going to be ready. 

But life is great. Had a Zone Conference with Elder Dunn and his wife. He's in the general seventy and talked a lot about member work and getting them involved, so we have been actually doing pretty good with that. Also talked about diligence and how we can become stronger as we continue pressing forward. Maybe we'll get some referrals sometime....cuz those are how you really find people who progress. 

Generally, 1/200 of people missionaries find (find meaning getting their number and setting up a return appointment) by talking to people out the street or punching wood (knocking doors) get baptized. But 1 out of 8 Referrals from members get baptized. So it's a HUGE difference. In fact, 2 of the 4 people we have on date are from a referral so y'all who are reading this.....maybe start thinking about how blessed people's lives will be with the gospel in their lives. 

Anywho, keep up the great work y'all, and I love y'all so much!! Hurrah for Israel!!

Elder Higginson

-Damien and I in all white
-Pretty place that's not in my area
-One very handsome Elder
-Another very handsome Elder who is unaware of my camera:)


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