Smashed a Taillight

Texas has land. Lots of it.

We met a lady named Kim and actually organized a service activity for her so the ward could help, and we attempted to consolidate her storage units into one big one. However, she has a TON of random...umm, I'm saying stuff, to put it nicely (it was really mostly junk, I'd say). So that went well, and she loves us so much for helping her and what we do as missionaries. She said she's definitely coming to church, so maybe she'll come. Idk though, I've heard that a few times....

This week was a bit eventful! Played pickleball with my roomies, which was fun.  Had the mission Christmas party, where we were given fun Texas ornaments and listened to missionaries sing. They also had some bussin smoked brisket. It was so juicy and succulent.

Tried out that fancy toilet again. I'm a changed man. It twas a magical experience. It even has a drying feature lol. Mmmm, that was a good day. 

Now to the part where I smashed someone's taillight....

It was a dark and stormy night (it wasn't actually stormy, haha) and I was riding down a quiet neighborhood street. The road with crowded with silent cars. While I was riding, I had my handy map open, so I could navigate to our desired destination. I would glance down occasionally to make sure we were on the right path but continued steadily pedaling along. SUDDENLY my phone turned off, looking down, I casually turned it back on and typed in the password. The amount of time took around 2.5 seconds. Looking back up, I saw a parked car directly in front of me!! Swerving, I missed the bulk of it but hit my hand on the back taillight, shattering it!! With my pride utterly destroyed for running into a PARKED car, I humbly walked up to the front door. Anticipating that I would receive the worst talking to of my life, I raised my hand to knock on the door. A shadow appeared through the glass the door opened...........

The guy turned out to be super chill!!! Haha, he's way nice and made sure I was okay. We exchanged numbers, and I casually was like, "Hey we are actually missionaries, haha" and we started talking. He thought that our colliding with cars was a genius idea to get contact info and get people out of their homes, lol. So we are going to meet with him this week, hopefully!! Also, the taillight costs around 48 bucks, but it's okay. Must have been the Lord's will. Now y'all remember not to text and drive. 

I sang karaoke at the ward Christmas party as well!! Didn't realize my bishop recorded it and sent it to my mom, but I'm glad he did. I put the video at the end of the email. It was very fun, and we had some friends come too. One of our friends even sang karaoke in front of the WHOLE WARD. TWICE. She's the best, lol. I love her. 

Never be afraid to stand out, y'all. Shine your lights into this dark world. It needs it now more than ever. It's easy to get distracted, but remember to focus on Christ and His shining example. 

Hurrah for Israel 
Elder Higginson 

My mom is the BEST. She got me 12 days of Christmas leading up to Christmas day itself. I'm literally so grateful for her and everything she does for me. All the time she put into it just touched my heart. I LOVE YOU TO THE ENDS OF THE WORLD, MOM! And I love everyone that helped, too of course:) THEY ARE ALL THE BEST. 

-fun pics


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