
Being sick is the absolute worst....which is a good thing I wasn't!! My comp was sick this week, though. Super fun. Just kidding it was not great feeling unproductive; however, one elder in the companionship that we live with was also sick, so we got approval to do a mini-exchange for a couple days. So me and my boy Elder Jackson got to hit the streets, covering lessons in both our areas. It was actually super fun having double the area, and I love Elder Jackson. We just get along so well and had some nice lessons together:) 

But yeah, my comp, Elder Wheeler had a fever of 103 for a bit during one day, but I feel great! A sick companion ain't going hold me back from grinding with Elder Jackson. When his comp started feeling better, then I had to stay with my comp for a day in the apt. It was a rip.

Once he was feeling better, we went to do our ward temple walk with 2 of our friends! They are so cool and fun, I love them. But basically, the ward walked to the temple from 20 miles, 10 miles, 5 miles, or 1 mile away from the temple. Our friends were doing the 1 mile, so that's what we did. But it was awesome seeing and talking with them about the temple and the covenants they can make there. It was the first time since the first day I got here that I got to see it. For those who haven't gotten to go through the temple yet, or aren't old enough yet, it is definitely something y'all should do as soon as y'all can. Absolutely no reason to go without the blessing and connection you develop there with your Father in Heaven. He wants to bless us, so that's why we pray. But when we make covenants with God, it's like His hands are unrestrained to give us blessings and strength against temptation. 

Been really learning how to communicate with my companion. He is a bit opinionated, to put it gently, and shares them pretty frequently. But I really am coming to understand him and his personality and the way he thinks. And that all come from communication. It's key to every relationship. If there is something that is slowly (or quickly, haha) driving you crazy that someone does, you need to talk about it! Otherwise, they don't even know that you have a problem with something, or you don't realize you totally misinterpreted something they did. When you don't communicate, it leads to disharmony and frustration. And this can apply to your mission, marriage, roommates, and even your family. All relationships need communication. And it can be really scary if you're scared you're going to offend someone by what you say. That's how I was. However, my companion knew something was wrong and helped me talk. And he's very good at communicating and learning and explaining. 

Some kinda sad news, our friend on date to be baptized is actually in Georgia right now and is going to be there for the next 4 months living with some family. Sooooo yay! Might try working with missionaries there to help her get baptized since she won't be here for her day. 

But some really cool news is that Damien asked me to be the one to baptize him!! I'm super honored and excited to be able to do that for him, and it's going to be this Saturday! So that's really awesome:) It's so great that he will be able to make such an important covenant with God. 

Anywho, I love you all and talk to y'all later. Might see some pics of Damien and me in white next email, haha. Hurrah for Israel!!!

Elder Higginson

- Jamie and Enjolie at the temple!
- a huge tarantula that these members got from another member who caught it. They are apparently all over Texas. I guess everything really is bigger in Texas! Cause that spider is real and likes to MOVE
- My mini exchange with Elder Jackson. He's a goon, I love him. Makes me laugh every day
- Bike trouble with him lol
- And back to good ol' Randy:)


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