Making a List, Checking it Twice!

Merry Christmas! Wow, it has been a crazy week! My bike brakes were funky, and we took it to get it fixed. Stuffed my face at Panda with a member. I live for Panda. 

It dropped below zero with 30 mph winds. So that was fun. To do. While riding a bike. I loved it. My body was so numb that it didn't even hurt after a while. I've begun wearing thermal leggings under my pants to keep my thighs warm. Zero regrets. 

But like the cold weather was a huge problem here. Everyone was told to drip their faucets and open the cupboards under the sink to protect the pipes from freezing and breaking. And let me say that there are many pipes that broke in San Antonio. The apt the floor above us had theirs break, and there were 2 inches of water in their rooms. Super rough for them.

I had my interview with President. He's an awesome person. I'm excited to see what the next transfer will bring. Might be leaving my first area. I also had comp exchanges which was cool. While I was gone, the other elder broke the chain to my bike, haha. So now we need to take the bike to the shop again. Hooray:) 

Woke up to a beautiful sunny Christmas morning, ready to DESTROY the wrapping to my presents! Not before my morning prayer, of course though. Gotta remember the greatest gift of Christmas. Jesus Christ himself. I love that guy. He's pretty awesome. I got lots of beautiful ties and snacks. My amazing grandparents had a box full of gifts and treats for me, along with a box from my home ward. Shout out to Middleton 4th ward. Y'all are the best:)

Church was great. Loads of musical numbers, and I sang with the young men. The majority of us were tone-deaf but that's not important. We were loud and proud.

Love y'all. Choose the right. Also, something I learned from my exchange was making sure that when you read the Book of Mormon, or anything for that matter, ask yourself what you learned. That way, you are looking for applications in this modern day. Because it truly does apply to us. 
Hurrah for Israel!!

Elder Higginson

-awesome gift from my sis (who's single btw)
-pretty view
-One of the gifts I gave to Elder Jackson. He's a handsome man.


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