
Showing posts from December, 2022

Making a List, Checking it Twice!

Merry Christmas! Wow, it has been a crazy week! My bike brakes were funky, and we took it to get it fixed. Stuffed my face at Panda with a member. I live for Panda.  It dropped below zero with 30 mph winds. So that was fun. To do. While riding a bike. I loved it. My body was so numb that it didn't even hurt after a while. I've begun wearing thermal leggings under my pants to keep my thighs warm. Zero regrets.  But like the cold weather was a huge problem here. Everyone was told to drip their faucets and open the cupboards under the sink to protect the pipes from freezing and breaking. And let me say that there are many pipes that broke in San Antonio. The apt the floor above us had theirs break, and there were 2 inches of water in their rooms. Super rough for them. I had my interview with President. He's an awesome person. I'm excited to see what the next transfer will bring. Might be leaving my first area. I also had comp exchanges which was cool. While I was gone, the

Smashed a Taillight

Texas has land. Lots of it. We met a lady named Kim and actually organized a service activity for her so the ward could help, and we attempted to consolidate her storage units into one big one. However, she has a TON of random...umm, I'm saying stuff, to put it nicely (it was really mostly junk, I'd say). So that went well, and she loves us so much for helping her and what we do as missionaries. She said she's definitely coming to church, so maybe she'll come. Idk though, I've heard that a few times.... This week was a bit eventful! Played pickleball with my roomies, which was fun.  Had the mission Christmas party, where we were given fun Texas ornaments and listened to missionaries sing. They also had some bussin smoked brisket. It was so juicy and succulent. Tried out that fancy toilet again. I'm a changed man. It twas a magical experience. It even has a drying feature lol. Mmmm, that was a good day.  Now to the part where I smashed someone's taillight....

Wearing All White

Howdy! Texas got over the little cold bit, and it's back to 80-degree days, haha. Plus, it's pretty humid too. It's nice, though. I got to have exchanges with my guy Elder Leung Choi! He's super awesome, we click so easily and we are going through some similar stuff. Got to really talk a lot and grinded out some work. And then we stopped by a less active member, but she wasn't home. However, the grandmother and her 3 grandkids were there, and I was like, "Well hey, would y'all like to hear a Christmas message anyway?" And they were so excited, and all came outside. There was an 11-year-old boy, a 9-year-old girl, and an 8-year-old girl. We started just asking some questions and found out that the grandkids' mom died, and they live with their grandma. They are literally the sweetest kids ever. After hearing this, I KNEW that I had to share the plan of salvation with them. And it was just so cool, and they were so involved with the lesson and just pr


Being sick is the absolute worst....which is a good thing I wasn't!! My comp was sick this week, though. Super fun. Just kidding it was not great feeling unproductive; however, one elder in the companionship that we live with was also sick, so we got approval to do a mini-exchange for a couple days. So me and my boy Elder Jackson got to hit the streets, covering lessons in both our areas. It was actually super fun having double the area, and I love Elder Jackson. We just get along so well and had some nice lessons together:)  But yeah, my comp, Elder Wheeler had a fever of 103 for a bit during one day, but I feel great! A sick companion ain't going hold me back from grinding with Elder Jackson. When his comp started feeling better, then I had to stay with my comp for a day in the apt. It was a rip. Once he was feeling better, we went to do our ward temple walk with 2 of our friends! They are so cool and fun, I love them. But basically, the ward walked to the temple from 20 mile