The Grind Is Paying Off

Holy moly, this week has been crazy y'all! Best week so far. Started off by giving a guy a blessing in our apartment and made him break down. He has been less active since high school and hadn't had a blessing in a very long long time, so we made his day.

We also went to a gated community to stop by one of our friends. She wasn't home, so we decided to knock some doors around her house. And the first house we knocked, a guy literally threw open his door and was like, "HOW DID YOU GET IN HERE?!?! THIS IS A GATED COMMUNITY!!!!" And elder Nielsen said, "Umm the gate was open?" That led to the guy flipping out on us telling us that this is private property and if we don't get out of there right now, that he was going to call the cops. And then he slammed his door shut. Poor guy, I feel sorry for him. Probably has incredibly low self-esteem and had a hard life if he was going to be so rude to two 19-year-old missionaries. I forgive him, though, because judgment is for God, haha. I'm even thankful because we went to a different area and found two people! One of them seems pretty elect which is also awesome. And it wouldn't have happened if he hadn't told us to get out! 

One of our members named Brother Dorman is leaving, so he took us to breakfast which was awesome! Denny's is pretty good! And later we had another member named Brother Hoffman join us for a lesson and he bore a very powerful testimony. The spirit was very strong, and both me and my companion were getting teary-eyed. Then the member was like, " Y'all got time for a treat?" And y'all know we said, of course, hahaha. So we got Dairy Queen! That member is literally goated, haha. So many cool stories, and he has an awesome conversion story. He also looks like Santa. I'll have to take a pic with him sometime. 

Then we had another lesson with Jamie and Enjolie who were the two that almost put each other on date last week. For this lesson, we had Sister Montez come with us, and we talked about the priesthood. It was so awesome! The member had so many insightful comments and was the perfect person for our two friends. At one point they started talking about Judaism, and how they have dietary restrictions. And Jamie asked," y'all don't have that....right??" (Keep in mind that Jamie has been drinking coffee this whole lesson and talked about it in previous lessons. And Elder Nielson said, "Wellllllll....we actually do, but it's just to keep your body healthy." And he started telling her about how we don't take drugs and harmful substances. But he didn't say coffee or tea, so I was like shoot, here we go! And I said, "We also aren't supposed to have coffee or tea. It's a Commandment that God gave us, so even if we don't entirely understand why, God knows Why." And as I'm telling her this she grabbed her mug of coffee and was like "Noooo," and hilariously whispered to her mug saying, "Don't listen to them! I still love you." But after, she started just calling her drink her sin juice. I love Jamie--she's hilarious, haha! And then we put her on date to be baptized December 17th!! Both she and her daughter. Which is epic. Well at least for San Antonio Texas. I don't know about other missions.....

At church we had all four of our people who are on date to be baptized come. And it was fast Sunday because stake conference was last week. And I was having a special fast for our friends to feel welcome at church. And wow, my prayers were answered! Members who had joined us for lessons went up and gave our friends hugs, and other people we hadn't invited were so friendly. Jamie and Enjolie loved church so much and Enjolie is super excited for young womens on Wednesdays. So it's been sweet! Everything's just falling into place.

Last night we had a lesson where we also talked about the priesthood again to a couple. The wife had a great experience with the Book of Mormon and felt really at peace. And we were like that's the Spirit! They still don't have a super strong testimony, however we started talking about baptism and asked if they would be willing to be baptized, and they said they would be! We didn't put them on date because they still have more to learn and we don't want to rush anything. And their testimonies could be stronger. We'll put them on date soon though! As long as they don't reject us when we talk about the word of wisdom, lolll. 

Word of Wisdom is a big problem for my zone. Our zone is notorious for it, haha. So that's soooooo great, lol. But we have been seeing two of our friends do very very good on it so that they can be ready to be baptized! I've been praying for them. 

I got one more story that I'll save for next week. It's very cool though. I'll also probably have a new companion by my next email. We are getting the news two days before transfers which is tough cause, not a lot of time to say goodbye or pack. But it is what it is!!! Hurrah for Israel!

Elder Higginson 

-My Boi Brother Dorman who took us to breakfast
-Oooo clouds
-Getting cold and windy out so we are in sweater weather!!! Also jackets as well cause sometimes it's pretty chilly. Also the H.E.B in the background is a supermarket allllllllll over Texas. Literally everywhere. It's the best haha.
-We are on the move


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