Texas Longhorns!

Howdy, Y'all!

Just your Elder living his best life out here. Had my birthday which was sweeeet. Thanks for all the emails and cards I got from y'all! Made my day, haha. It was nice, though. I got some new shirts and a member took me out to DQ! It was very nice of him. We actually just had a lesson that he participated in and Elder Nielson told him it was my birthday and he was WHAAAAT?!?! LETS CELEBRATE!!! So we got milkshakes. The Sisters who cover our area also made me cookies, which were way good. And now I just have one more birthday left on the mission, so that's cool. 

We are teaching a cool lady and her daughter, and they are literally hilarious. The mom has zero filters and just says whatever she wants so sometimes we hear some interesting stuff, though she tries hard not to swear. And we were teaching the plan of salvation and the mom was like, what kingdom do you want to go to? The sun, right? Well, all you have to do is what these guys have been talking to us about and be baptized and stuff. And then the daughter says, the moon sounds so great too. And I was like darn! I legit thought she was about to put her daughter on date for us! Well, get them the next time we meet, hopefully.

Also, I hit three months today, so that's neat. Time definitely flies on the mission. Like it's pday, and then it feels like a couple days, and suddenly it's back to pday. So that's nice, haha. I feel like I've also truly adjusted to missionary life. I know what is expected of me, and I am so happy to do my best. Haven't been homesick (yet fingers crossed). I've only had one area and one companion, however, I know I'm going to make the best of what I am given. I trust that my mission president is guided by God in regard to me, my area, and my comp. If God gives me someone lazy, well guess I'm going to learn tons about figuring out how to get him into shape. Also, we get transfer news next week, so one of us is going to be leaving....

Elder Nielson has been awesome. I have learned a ton about working hard and being diligent from him. He is great at teaching people and knows what needs to be said. We have both just grown a lot together. And I can truly say that I love him and wouldn't have wanted anyone else to train me, haha. 

We also got to do more service with Longhorns! They were awesome. Got to pet them, but shoot, you have to watch out for those horns!! They are wicked long, and if they just swing their head a little, it's like, WOAH I GOT TO GET OUT OF THE WAY. After that, Randy (the legendary rancher himself) made us smoked meatloaf, and woahhhhhh that's some REALLY good stuff. It was smoked all the way through and man, just melted in my mouth. Love Randy, haha. He's great!

Anywho, love y'all so much!!! Keep up the work. If you ever have a chance just chatting with someone, it's remarkably easy to just say something along these lines-
"Hey, this book really has had a huge impact on my life, and the joy I have received from it is amazing. (Then Testify of it being the word of god) And I would love to give you a copy and see what you think! (You can give a brief summary of it being written by prophets and how it reveals the mysteries of God at the end, haha) 

See y'all next week! Hurrah for Israel!

Elder Higginson 

-Dead cow
-the Sun
-chilling under a bridge with my Dad (your trainer is your dad of the mission btw) 
-these decorations are fire
-neat jeep
-living cow


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