Hitting the Streets

Hey, y'all! Howdy.....I'm just kidding I'm not a Texan yet!

Thanksgiving was a bit crazy. Had a lot of fun. Woke up at 4:30 to go to the Turkey Trot, which is a charity 5k. We were volunteers and got free shirts. Also got stuffed out of my mind because we had not one, but TWO Thanksgiving dinners. Like, WOAH, I WAS FULL. But it was nice, and then were like, let's do street contacting because if the people are alone, most likely they are lonely! So we ended up talking to some nice people. 

This week was kinda a bit harder than usual. Once you get a new companion after your trainer, missionaries call it greenie-breaking. Basically, the new missionary has to learn to do things differently because his new comp does things differently. There are new perspectives, opinions, and different personalities that you have to cope with. And learn to work with. I will say it is humbling and has helped me see where I fall short. Some things were frustrating; however, I've been able to communicate and resolve and understand my companion and myself. And communication is literally so important. If you're frustrated with something, let them know. Cause if you don't, then how are they supposed to know what's wrong? 

But I love my new companion very much. He's smart, experienced, and a great teacher. A great teacher for both our friends and for me. He's awesome, and I'm excited to see what good we can do together. 

I had another super cool interaction!! Our schedule went through a lot of changes that morning, and we ended up sitting on the curb by a house that had confirmed that we could come over but didn't answer the door. And we were not feeling 100%, so we sat down, and I asked if we could just say a prayer cause it can't hurt. Elder Wheeler said it, and during the prayer, he said, "Please take us to the places we need to be, " and a few seconds later (mid-prayer), we suddenly heard someone calling, "Elders! Elders!" So we quickly finished our prayer and met an inactive member of our ward! And she really wants to go back to church, but her husband doesn't really. He gets a lot of anxiety. However, she's awesome and has a really great testimony. And she's been praying a ton for something to change. We asked if she would like to receive a blessing or have the Sacrament taken to them, and she said she'd love to have it again. But she told us that her schedule was a lot different that day for her as well, and she took a different way home! So literally, God rearranged both of our days in order for us to meet and answered both our prayers in the process. 

Also had another cool experience when it was dark out and we were going to head home cause people always complain about us knocking on their doors when it's so late out (when it's only 6:20). But I kept having this thought to stop by someone out of our way. It just kept coming, and at first, I was like, man this sure is a weird recurring thought. But then I thought, "Ohhhhh is it a prompting?" So I was like hey, let's go here, and my comp was like sure! And then we knocked on his door and had a banger lesson! It twas sweet. Answered lots of questions, and he seems like a true seeker of truth. Hopefully, he doesn't run into too much anti, haha. 

Anywho, I love y'all so much and hope y'all have a great week! Keep up the faith. Maybe start thinking about preparing for temple blessings if you haven't yet....(cause they are the bomb. I get trunky for the temple cause I haven't been able to go in months, haha). 

Hurrah for Israel
Elder Higginson 


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