Evil Landlady, New Comp, and Baptism

This was my last week with my dad! Elder Nielson was transferred to the far side of San Antonio, and I stayed in Woodlake! We spent a few days visiting people that Elder Nielson wanted to say goodbye to. Then we all met together for the transfer itself, and it was a party! Got to meet and talk to a lot of missionaries, and was pretty cool. Also met my new companion, Elder Wheeler! He's been out for a year and has a very good knowledge of the gospel. Have only had a few days with him, but it's good so far! He likes to talk to everyone and stop while bike riding so I'm doing that and it's sweet cause we are meeting lotsss of people (also a lot more of the interesting type of people).

Here is the really cool story I didn't share last week. Our Elder's quorum counselor told us about his stepson and how he's been struggling a lot with depression and stress. He lives mostly by himself though his sister lives there occasionally. And he was praying to God, asking if He was really there, and LITERALLY 3 minutes later, WE KNOCKED ON HIS DOOR!!! I was actually an answer to his prayer. From my perspective, me and Elder Nielson were just doing some less active member work and just knocking on all of the houses in the area. And he just happened to be one of them, and I had no idea the impact we had on him. But seriously, it's so flipping cool knowing that the Lord is guiding us. Even when we don't see it or get a huge prompting, as long as we work hard to be good missionaries or magnify our callings, God will direct us. 

Also had my first Baptism! A little 9-year-old that I taught when I first got into the mission got baptized. He didn't really want to be Baptized when he was 8, but he got very excited when he turned 9. And the baptism went great. The baptism actually came out of nowhere. We got a text on Friday that I didn't see till Saturday morning saying he was going to be baptized at 12:00 on Saturday! My mind was like, "WUT?!?!" So we had to rearrange our schedule and were able to come! It was pretty neat, haha. 

Back before Elder Nielson left, we went over to say goodbye to Damien and his landlady showed up! And she is not cool. She yelled from her truck in the driveway saying, "HEY!! We aren't interested!" while we were waiting at the door for Damien. We explained that we were missionaries and just visiting Damien, but she was not having it. She said, "Walk off my property right now," in quite a rude tone of voice. Then Damien came out with his Book of Mormon and she was like, "Damien why are you talking to these guys, you're not a Mormon!" And Damien was like, "Oh, I'm going to be baptized!" And she said, "Baptized?! Why do you need to be baptized?! You're not a Mormon! Damien please walk these guys off my property right now!" We tried to explain that we didn't mean any harm and apologized for the trouble. Soooo basically, the landlady is not a fan of ours. Damien apologized to us for her, though, and is doing AMAZING with word of wisdom! He is super super on tract to be baptized! Hopefully, the evil landlady, whom I'm working on forgiving, doesn't get in the way of that, haha. 

Anywho, I love y'all! Happy Thanksgiving! Don't miss those prompting and thoughts to do something good. Because then you feel guilty, and it's lame. I've felt that way before. And Hurrah for Israel!

Elder Higginson

‐some pretty pictures by a lake!
-Panda express with the district. Yum
-saying goodbye to my dad
-my first tism  (tism is short for baptism)
-Riding with my new companion
‐you can see ducks flying in the background 


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