Porcelain Throne

What's up y'all!!!!

Well, this past week was awesome!! The members are continually making sure we're fed (hopefully i don't get too uh big from it lol. Praying that it'll go to muscle cause I've been working out a decent amount at our gym in the morning but ill see) and I've been teaching some people! This week I've been trying to use my faith to find those elect people that God is preparing for me to talk to. And I mean geez, the field is white guys!! First, we got a guy who met on the street and he's super cool! He does have some trouble with remembering things we've taught him, however, he loved church and loves meeting with us, so who knows, if the Spirit prompts us, we might invite him to be baptized soon. Then there's a lady and her boyfriend who really wanted us to come over and we comforted her about her son that died and she keeps wanting us to come back! My comp was even prompted to give her a blessing of comfort which was pretty cool. I talked about how I know that my ancestors and family who have passed on are DEFINITELY looking over to me and helping me have strength. Made me tear up a bit from the Spirit, ya know. Said she really wanted to go to church as well! (Didn't end up coming tho cause she forgot to mention she isn't ready for big crowds which could be an excuse for something so we have some work to do lol). 

Also speakingggg of church, guess what!!! I had to give a TALK. And when I found out I was like whaaat?! I've only been in Texas for 2 weeks, but I mean it's not like you ever say no to giving talks soooo I was like full send haha. And bam, gave a 12 min talk (might have been 15 even) about how to fund and take opportunities to do Christlike service each and every day. And because I'm a missionary, I felt it was time to switch from a written talk to a bullet point talk. To be honest, idk if I did superrr well with it, I definitely could have tightened it up and made it less messy in my mind, but I did it! Good practice run I like to think of it. A practice run that would have had consequences if I messed up super badly, so no pressure.

Then at one of the member meals, one thing that stood out to me was the quote, "Come What May and Love It" from that one conference talk. And that really made me ponder how I could apply that to everything in my life. And I can! So basically I have a new missionary motto, lol. Like one time I was biking and totallyyyy scuffed up my shoe, and in my mind I was like, "Darn it! That's so annoying. I want these shoes to last!" But after a short moment, the phrase "Come What May and Love It" popped into my mind and I was like, "huh. Welp, I guess it makes me look like an extra hard-core, hard working missionary! And literally after I thought that, I started to laugh cause it's pretty ridiculous to believe that but still hilarious to joke around thinking about. Another time my satchel got pretty heavy cause people kept giving us water before we could say no. And we were on our way home and my strap across my chest snapped!! And again I was like, "No! Flipping flip, I need a bag to carry around my stuff and now mine broke!!!" But my motto popped into my head again and I realized that I was quite blessed that it happened at the end of the day, we were pretty close to home, and it was a Saturday so I wouldn't have many chances to use a bag much till Monday which was pday! And the bag was proudly gonna break some time, so it was far better then and I didn't have to ride my bike one-handed for too long. 

Also one bummer I will say about this week was the thing about the porcelain throne (the toilet for those who don't understand. Also thanks for the phrase, Lincoln lol). But yeah, the last couple days I've been kinda sick and having a bowel situation to put it mildly. But lots of stomach pains and time spent on the pot. And Sunday was when it was pretty rough. Like I had superrrrr low energy. Just like running on empty anddd I still had a talk to do!! But I remember right before Sacrament started, I went to the bathroom (again haha) and then prayed and I felt enough energy to kinda fake being energetic but also have more energy and I was like hallelujah!! (Hyped myself up in front of the mirror too lol) but I know that the was Lord giving me strength haha. But showing my enthusiasm and energy is a great way to get people motivated, and it rubs off on them, and it's something I've always been trying to do. So I knew it would be important for me to be that when at church, haha. And then today I've been having lots of stomach pain, and ya know....some more time on that porcelain throne lol. But I praying for strength to continue the lord's work! Just a bummer that I got sick when only 2 and a half weeks into the mission haha.

Anywho hopefully I'm good soon!! Been seeing success and experiencing a few difficulties ya know, and I was casually thinking about how 2 years is a bit long, ya know when I prayed last night, and the words, "There are many things in store for you my son" popped into my mind. And the spirit testified to me that yeah, there will be ups and downs; however, there are lots you will experience, be blessed by, and learn here on your mission. And I was like danggg I sure do love Jesus Christ, Heavenly Father, and the Holy Ghost. And I'm so excited to be here!! To serve and love the people and help them come unto Christ through his restored gospel!!
So Hurrah for Israel!!!! God bless y'all

-Only in Texas is there a massive, random, metal deer in a big, random, middle-of-nowhere subdivision. So of course I'm gonna take a picture with it. 
-My district besties 
-Idk why the clouds just go CRAZY out here


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