Humidity and Humility

Hey y'all!! 

Well this has been a crazy week and a half. I said goodbye to the mtc last week! It was tough cause I made some really close friends there and definitely am gonna miss them. Shout out to all those who gave me so many memories, helped my testimony become even stronger, and for being an absolute party to hang with in the mtc. Especially my roommates, (love y'all). But then the day came for me to leave. A stressful moment of that day was I almost forgot my carry-on which had everything i needed for the night and to even pass through the airport. I remembered right when i got on a bus and had to take my stuff, run to where I left my carry-on, and take the next bus. But there was another group of elders so i was okay. 

Then I arrived in Texas. And boy there is some serious humidity! Not the worst, but phew! I met the mission president and they took us straight to the Alamo to immediately start street contacting. Which was like woah, but i mean you gotta do it sometime, so i immediately went to work! Everyone was like no thanks, except for the very last people i talked to. And i got to share the restoration with these ladies and placed my first Book of Mormon! Then I did some training and the next day met my trainer. He's pretty cool, name is Elder Nielson, and I'm the first person he's trained. Definitely have learned a lot and it's quite humbling. 

Also y'all remember my last comp Elder Niu?! Yeah...he's literally still my roommate! We are in the same apartment and just have different areas. Speaking of my area, I'm in what's called the Woodlake area. Basically San Antonio still, pretty urban, and got a SWEET apartment. Got a well equipped gym, nice kitchen, and comfy beds. And it's also a biking area, so I'm getting lots of exercise from biking to people who live miles away haha. The heat isn't too bad, just decently bad, so I'm surviving quite nicely. It also rained once and we got soaked while biking home to get jackets. Got a nail in a tire the first day which was sad lol, but oh well, at least it makes the days afterward seem easy, haha. Put in a spare tube and I should be able to repair the old tube. I've also been tracting a ton as well with very little luck, but we found a couple people maybe so at least that. Hopefully we get more referrals from members. I think God is just trying to make me more humble so that I have to pray often and rely on Him more.

Anywho--Texas is awesome!! The people are generally nice, the food is pretty top notch (for those wondering, I've tried multiple new foods, so I guess you could say I'm pretty cool), and I'm more than ready to serve the Lord!! 
Hurrah for Israel!!!
Elder Higginson

-San Antonio greenies at the Temple
-Spiritual movie on the plane 
-Going tracting in the rain (far right is my trainer)
-MTC district
-Mtc roommates


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