Hit by a Car?!

Hey y'all!! 

Well Texas has been quite the adventure! I'm continuing to learn and become a better missionary everyday. Always something for me to be working on. We aren't getting a lot of referrals....actually none, but the members sure are serious about getting us fed for dinner! At elders quorum that asked us how many days we didn't have meals for, and we said we had four days. And the ward mission leader was like, "that's unacceptable! I want four volunteers right now. Raise y’alls hands." And I was thinking like, "Wow, I mean I actually like cooking and we have plenty of food to miss a few days...." but I guess I won't need to buy so much, haha.

Lately we have spent most of our time finding. So knocking doors, street contacting, and bike contacting. We have scheduled lessons but almost all fall through unfortunately. However we taught the restoration to a man named Damian who hopefully will come to church next week!

To pay respect to the title, I wasn't the one hit by a car....it was my trainer lol. Basically we were biking down a sidewalk and he's leading the way. And we are going right next to a highway and there was an entrance to a gas station with a black car coming out of it. However, it slowed down at the intersection because first there were cars coming so it wouldn't have made it, and second we presumed it saw us. But nope! It sped up to edged out and nailed my comp!! He was thrown onto the car and then rolled off. But then he stood up and limped over to me and was like wow. That hurt. But I'm okay and the bike's okay sooo yup. And I was shocked but like umm okay. So we continued on our way. (The guy who hit us was super sorry and kept trying to give us him name and number just in case but my comp was like nah I'm fine. Afterward I realized I missed a perfect opportunity to say we are even if u meet with us and read all of 1 Nephi. Cause he would have probs done it lol! So something to work on!! I gotta get better at inviting EVERYONE I can haha.

Also personal study has been ON POINT. Like I've been reading in 3 Nephi again and man I just get so spiritually filled after reading that. Like for the whole day afterward and I just keep reading the next day. Btw the Book of Mormon makes a lot more sense when u read it for an hour at a time and are actively marking scriptures.

Elder Higginson

-Pretty sun rays (I was like, "THE HEAVENS HAVE OPENED."
-Funny door decoration
-I love chicken
-Sunrise with my comp


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