Faith and a Flat Tire

Hey, y'all!!!

Well, shortly after sending my last email, me and my comp went out that evening to stop by one of our friends. However, a little less than a mile and a half away from our apartment, I got a flat tire!! A nail went in one side and was sticking out the other! Man, I was like, this has happened twice now? Haha what are the odds! (Who knows, maybe if I had continued down the road, something bad could have happened haha) Anyway, my comp had a patch kit, but the instructions were quite confusing, so it took a long while to get both holes in the tube fixed. And then my trainer realized that for the glue to work it, needs to sit for 30 min, and since it was getting late who had to walk our bikes home. However, to not have to ruin our work on the tube, I ended up carrying my bike on my back the 1.3 miles back home. Luckily my bike isn't too heavy (And I'll be honest, it made me feel pretty manly haha). But yeah so that happened!

The sickness I was feeling also was basically gone by Tuesday, btw, just for those who were wondering, haha. Back at full strength. Speaking of strength, I've gained like 6 pounds in the past three weeks soooo hopefully, that involves some muscle haha. Cause man those members sure know how to feed us!

We have been on fire the other half of this week, though!!!! We have found 6 people and set it up to hopefully have a few more people that we don't need to tract to find haha. But man this week, I've found more people than the last couple of weeks combined. Not that I wasn't trying hard to find people those other weeks too, but I found something that really helps to find people. Prayer, but not just praying to find those elect people. But praying for FAITH to find people. This whole week I've been really focused on faith because while reading in the Book of Mormon, it is by FAITH that miracles come to pass. And that faith is a principle of POWER. Power to do all things. To move the mountains in your life. And faith can't exist at the same time as fear and doubt. So I've been praying for increased faith so I can come to see the miracles that come from that. And holy cow!! I've seen them. 

Even today, I've seen miracles. I ran out of money at our store to just restock a few things before the money gets put in our account. And I knew I'd probably be a little bit over, so I brought some extra cash, so I knew I'd be fine. But then, when I pulled out my money, a Hispanic man tapped my shoulder and was like, "No no, me," and then he pulled five bucks and paid the last few dollars of my groceries!!!! Like WHAT?!?! WHO DOES THAT!!! And I tried to stop him, but he insisted. What I thought was actually super cool was I recognized him from one of the grocery isles and remember smiling at him when I walked past. The man didn't speak much English, but I was really grateful to him. He looked like a hard worker too, and probably could have needed all the money he could get. But no! That didn't stop him from paying a few bucks for my stuff. Man, good Samaritans still exist!! Anywho that was super cool, and all I got was his name. Juan Carlos. I wish I could have gotten his number to share a message about Jesus Christ ya know, so I guess I need to work on my EspaƱol ;)

Hurrah for Israel!!

Elder Higginson

-Casually takes pic of rainbow while riding my bike. Didn't even crash
-Sure is pretty out in Texas
-Bike tire situation
-Haha sweet gear shift
-Snakes! Yup some members breed snakes. That was actually super cool haha. They constrict pretty strongly around your hands and arms and feels so weird and awesome. 


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