
Showing posts from September, 2022

Faith and a Flat Tire

Hey, y'all!!! Well, shortly after sending my last email, me and my comp went out that evening to stop by one of our friends. However, a little less than a mile and a half away from our apartment, I got a flat tire!! A nail went in one side and was sticking out the other! Man, I was like, this has happened twice now? Haha what are the odds! (Who knows, maybe if I had continued down the road, something bad could have happened haha) Anyway, my comp had a patch kit, but the instructions were quite confusing, so it took a long while to get both holes in the tube fixed. And then my trainer realized that for the glue to work it, needs to sit for 30 min, and since it was getting late who had to walk our bikes home. However, to not have to ruin our work on the tube, I ended up carrying my bike on my back the 1.3 miles back home. Luckily my bike isn't too heavy (And I'll be honest, it made me feel pretty manly haha). But yeah so that happened! The sickness I was feeling also was basi

Porcelain Throne

What's up y'all!!!! Well, this past week was awesome!! The members are continually making sure we're fed (hopefully i don't get too uh big from it lol. Praying that it'll go to muscle cause I've been working out a decent amount at our gym in the morning but ill see) and I've been teaching some people! This week I've been trying to use my faith to find those elect people that God is preparing for me to talk to. And I mean geez, the field is white guys!! First, we got a guy who met on the street and he's super cool! He does have some trouble with remembering things we've taught him, however, he loved church and loves meeting with us, so who knows, if the Spirit prompts us, we might invite him to be baptized soon. Then there's a lady and her boyfriend who really wanted us to come over and we comforted her about her son that died and she keeps wanting us to come back! My comp was even prompted to give her a blessing of comfort which was pretty co

Hit by a Car?!

Hey y'all!!  Well Texas has been quite the adventure! I'm continuing to learn and become a better missionary everyday. Always something for me to be working on. We aren't getting a lot of referrals....actually none, but the members sure are serious about getting us fed for dinner! At elders quorum that asked us how many days we didn't have meals for, and we said we had four days. And the ward mission leader was like, "that's unacceptable! I want four volunteers right now. Raise y’alls hands." And I was thinking like, "Wow, I mean I actually like cooking and we have plenty of food to miss a few days...." but I guess I won't need to buy so much, haha. Lately we have spent most of our time finding. So knocking doors, street contacting, and bike contacting. We have scheduled lessons but almost all fall through unfortunately. However we taught the restoration to a man named Damian who hopefully will come to church next week! To pay respect to the

Humidity and Humility

Hey y'all!!  Well this has been a crazy week and a half. I said goodbye to the mtc last week! It was tough cause I made some really close friends there and definitely am gonna miss them. Shout out to all those who gave me so many memories, helped my testimony become even stronger, and for being an absolute party to hang with in the mtc. Especially my roommates, (love y'all).   But then the day came for me to leave. A stressful moment of that day was I almost forgot my carry-on which had everything i needed for the night and to even pass through the airport. I remembered right when i got on a bus and had to take my stuff, run to where I left my carry-on, and take the next bus. But there was another group of elders so i was okay.  Then I arrived in Texas. And boy there is some serious humidity! Not the worst, but phew! I met the mission president and they took us straight to the Alamo to immediately start street contacting. Which was like woah, but i mean you gotta do it sometime