So it Begins...

Hello y’all!! So technically I've been a missionary for a couple weeks now, but I don't think it was worth a email after 3 days haha. Anywho, it's been good so far. Online MTC was low key, slow, and draining, but an overall good experience for me. And it DEFINITELY prepped for saying goodbyes and getting used to the missionary life. Learned a ton haha. 

Then gave my farewell (if u didn't watch it I forgive you), and officially have said goodbye to everyone I know and love. Dust kept blowing into my eyes whenever I was saying goodbye for some reason, made my eyes water which was superrr annoying ;)

OH ALSO. I forgot one of my church shoes and a few other things at home lol. I guess I rely on mom A LOT. Guess I have some weaknesses that I need to become strengths :l

Now the Provo MTC is pretty cool. I have a super cool comp who I'm pretty tight with. Got a lot in common with him and then my roommates are a party. I haven't even had classes yet cause I got here and then the next day is pday so I'm now just chillin. Didn't sleep too well cause I think two of my roommates snore kinda loud. Then went to the gym first thing but it was way packed with people. So my district dipped and played pingpong. Next I'm planning on going to the temple and then some volleyball with my district which should be sweeeet. I'll try not to humiliate my opponents too much at volleyball ya know ;) i want to be christlike and all. 

Okay so now I'm finishing this email a few hours later. Soooo the temple was absolutely great and fun with all of my district. And volleyball actually went way good. I totally crushed and played some solid ball. The only team stood no chance when I was playing with all that kindness....not that I was keeping score of course

And then got assigned as a junior companion lol....But guys serving a mish is totally worth it. And it kindaaaa says in D&C 4 that if ye have desires to serve God, ye are called to the maybe start thinking about y'all.

FYI I can only reply to emails or messages on pdays which as of right now is Thursdays :l 

Anywho love y’all so much, hopefully I'll have more intriguing things to talk about next week haha. 

Hurrah for Israel!!!
Elder Higginson


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