Concentration & Constipation

The Provo mtc has been great! I've started having classes, and I am learning so much. I've been recognizing the spirit better and better and I'm learning to bring it as well. Everything is centered on Christ. But the mtc is also super fun. My district is a party and I'm having a crazy time. Making so many hilarious memories. Then I got to see and hug Julie yesterday!!! Made my day and boy it was so weird seeing someone I loved and knew. There must have been more of that darn dust cause hugging her made my eyes water. She met my district and brought some delicious cookies. Speaking of food, mtc food is pretty darn decent. Im trying loads of new things and boy that chocolate milk hits DIFFERENT. Tho for my roommate and companion, the food has been tough on them....they've been constipated bahahaha. Which is hilarious in my opinion. They have spent a lot of time on the pot. Usually with little success (for those wondering, my bowels are fine, tho I'm sure all y'all thought I was constipated cause of the title lol. Well get clickbaited). 

Also there is a roommate whos getting on my nerves, but I won't name names. Like he's cocky and  really full of himself. But he's just sometimes rude to me for some reason and makes fun of me more than anyone else. Now don't get me wrong, he's funny and def a cool dude and we get along pretty good most of the time.... he just doesn't stop talking haha. And everyone else seems to like me but not him. Anywho the second day it was slightly tough cause I was made junior comp when I was kinda the more responsible one (no offence elder niu, I love ya and you're seriously the best comp ever. Plus you're hilarious). But that, along with getting made fun of a couple times by that one elder made me just slightly down. But that night as I prayed, I asked for just ways to see him as God sees him and help me feel better. And then I didn't think much of the prayer and layed down in my bed for like a minute and suddenly I got a full blown prompting. Like a for real prompting. And all it was, was to compliment everyone but especially him. So I did it to him and his comp right away that night (dude I love his comp, we get along super great. We've had some deep and serious conversations in the dorm, when my comp and the other dude were trying/failing to poop). And so I did and told them how I respected them and how he has a strong testimony and is a super cool dude. And then they complimented me back about how they just look up to me cause I always know what to do and a few other things. And boy both complementing them and then their responses made me feel so flipping good. And i was like woah, I need to put this in my journal. Its nice knowing another thing I need to work on to be more Christlike. God definitely answers prayers.  Also FYI journaling is awesome. I would have forgotten so many stories without it. Just took a mission to get me started haha. 

Also we have mock lessons with people who either pretend to be investigators or actually are. And it's cool but he had a guy who had a thick African accent so it was a bit hard to understand. And like he was TOUGH to teach. We tried to get to know him but he didn't talk much at all despite our efforts so we just ahd ro start the lesson and we were kind of all over place cause it was going to be longer than we planned and his name was difficult to pronounce. Oh and Elder Niu had him read a verse from Abraham about prayer and the "investigator" asked if Abraham is in the bible. And my comp accidentally said yes!! (For those who dont know, its in the pearl of great price) So that was funny lol. Anyway eventually we finished our lesson on God and prayer, and I said the closing prayer. And I TOTALLY mispronounced his name during it. Superrr embarrassing, like I asked if I said it right and he was like ,"No." And I then I apologized of course but it was awkward haha. And at the end my comp saw his garments when he leaned forward soo at least that I guess. Next time will for sure be better.

Also guess what!!! There was this blind guy who was super awesome at the temple! At first I didn't notice cause he was playing the organ. But then I saw he was playing without music! And I saw him playing all these church songs by ear which was WILD. But seriously was one of the dopest things I've ever seen. And I could tell by the way his eyes were looking not completely straight at stuff and he would feel around and count for the ummm buttons? What do you call those things on an organ? But it was such an amazing experience for me and I went up and thanked him and shook his hand. Such a cool guy. He was a lot older too. 

To close, I am doing GREAT. Not feeling homesick (yet lol) and the atmosphere is great. Made so many funny memories but also had plenty of faith and testimony building moments too. The Provo mtc is just a blast.

Hurrah for Israel!!!
Elder Higginson


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