Running Low on Gas... (another funeral?)

We quite literally ran out of gas, haha. Forgot to fill my big white equinox up, and we were literally 200 feet from the gas station I was planning on going too haha. Sooo the elders got out and pushed us. I was luckily driving the white whale, so I didn't sweat like they did.

Amazing week. Had a spirit filled lesson with the last half of the plan. I testified of how when my dad was in a car accident, how much hope having my family sealed in the temple gave me. The Spirit We identified the Spirit, and he was like, wow I FEEL it. It was so strong, and he brought his ancient mom to church. She's a queen, but def a bit hard of hearing. He prayed to know if he and his mom should make covenants with God. He hasn't received a direct answer other than the fact that he wants him and his mom to make this covenant. SO STRONG HAHA. She only speaks Spanish, so we are going to pass them and probably put them on date. 

I sang at ANOTHER FUNERAL??? Yup that happened this week. I sang "it is well with my soul" as a solo, and it went great! A bunch of people were there, and we set up a table FULL of pamphlet and stuff for the random people to take, lol. 

We also put our friend Kris on date. He's accountable enough to make it to church on his own, but struggles with a few conditions, making him a little emotionally unstable. We are trying to figure out where he is at, but he can feel good "energy" with us, and the way he describes it is literally the Spirit. Which we told him, haha.

Crazy Story
Lastly, we had a man named Archie pull up in his car when we were stopping by Aisaiah (who didn't answer). We were outside for probably 18 sec in a wide alley where the door was. And this man by a LITERAL MIRACLE saw us and told from his car how his last church was all about the money and didn't let him get baptized because of a previous sin and a lady he knew told him that he can find God by talking to the men in white shirts (He told us she's a great lady tho people say she's a sorcerer or something. He doesn't believe that though). She told him that 5 years ago! And then he moved to San Antonio and he was in his car and it wouldn't start. So he thought in his mind about Jesus, and suddenly his car miraculously started. Which he drove just down the road and saw us (in our white shirts) within a 5 sec window and stopped his car. He wants to be baptized cause of all this drama with his last church and pastor....he might be either crazy or mega elect. Only time will tell. He gave off both vibes.....

Spiritual Thought
Prayer is awesome. On an exchange we set a goal to pray in every contact with finding or teaching anyone, and we had a goal of 10 different settings to pray in. We barely hit our goal that late evening and it was really cool to see how LITERALLY the atmosphere changes to be more open to the Spirit and to learning. Like the person we are talking to is suddenly prepared to feel the Spirit because the prayer sets the mood and invites the Spirit. I've seen it time and time again work and bring this power. Particularly when they say, we only have 3 min, and we say we have a short message, can we start with a prayer? Prayer is one very important way how we can access the Atonement of Jesus Christ and change. It is the same for those around us. So remember to pray often today and forever, and God will direct you for good. 

Hurrah for Israel!

Elder Higginson


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