
Showing posts from April, 2024

Running Low on Gas... (another funeral?)

We quite literally ran out of gas, haha. Forgot to fill my big white equinox up, and we were literally 200 feet from the gas station I was planning on going too haha. Sooo the elders got out and pushed us. I was luckily driving the white whale, so I didn't sweat like they did. Amazing week. Had a spirit filled lesson with the last half of the plan. I testified of how when my dad was in a car accident, how much hope having my family sealed in the temple gave me. The Spirit We identified the Spirit, and he was like, wow I FEEL it. It was so strong, and he brought his ancient mom to church. She's a queen, but def a bit hard of hearing. He prayed to know if he and his mom should make covenants with God. He hasn't received a direct answer other than the fact that he wants him and his mom to make this covenant. SO STRONG HAHA. She only speaks Spanish, so we are going to pass them and probably put them on date.  I sang at ANOTHER FUNERAL??? Yup that happened this week. I sang &quo

Thirsty and Dreams?

Truly prayer has power, and it's really awesome cause our friend Randy prayed about covenants and baptism! And we texted him and he had felt the Spirit! When we met up, we asked again about his prayer, and he asked, "Do you want to tell y'all about my prayer or my dream?" And we like, "What dream?! Tell us about that!" and then he told us about the night he prayed, he had a dream that he was with God and made covenants with Him and woke up knowing that was what he needed to do. I pulled out my bible, and we read Acts 2:17  "And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:" I told him he was a fulfillment of prophecy, which was a very cool thing. Put him on date for May 18th. And he came to church on Sunday, too! Also met a really cool man named Jesse and his mom. He's also

Staying....for a 4th again

  Hey y'all! General Conference was legendary. Spot on:) We had transfer news, and I'm staying for a 4th in downtown San Antonio. My companion, Elder Kendall left our area after one transfer and I stayed. I guess God still needs me to find someone....or like 10. Which means I better keep grinding and finding!! Elder Cotter, who is my homi, is leaving to his ordinal assignment in Mexico and I'm going to MISS HIM. He left his LUXURIOUS weighted blanket. #blessed A lot of our General Conference plans fell through:( EXCEPT!! We had a 15 year old get dropped off and WOAH, he was very attentive for TWO HOURS to the broadcast. He paid better attention than me!! Said he liked it! We asked how his BoM reading has been and he literally said "It's been fruitful" Like HUH?!?! KING.  Spiritual Thought I loved the talk about Spiritual Rays. I've truly had so many experiences where I saw and felt God in my life. It was something you could physically FEEL. But I can't

Easter and Fasting

I t was a good week, but I wasn't really in the area for a decent amount since we had a bunch of exchanges. We had 5 friends come to church!!  Something I've really wanted my whole mission, was to develop a stronger testimony of fasting for myself. I wanted to know and not rely on others. So I fasted, and the goal was reached that I've been praying for for a good while. We got 50 friends as a Zone to church!! It was legendary:) Hurrah for Israel! Elder Higginson