
Showing posts from February, 2024

Ralph Got Soaked

  Wild week!! Had 3 back to back to back exchanges. My poor comp wasn't in the area each time, and he felt so out of the loop afterward. Exchanges are awesome, though. I learn so much each time and see amazing miracles. Felt prompted to invite our friend to a lesson with another friend. So there were two nonmembers just fellowshipping one another. Pretty legendary, and the friend we had invited has a SUPER strong testimony (it was the brother I gave a blessing to a couple emails back), and he would be baptized if he was married, unfortunately. They bonded a ton, though. Ralph got dunked!!! Super AMAZING. He cried in the font when he was baptized by his brother who's a recent convert of only 3 months. Super cool, and he just GLOWS now. Radiates joy. I confirmed him, it was really special, and he bore his testimony in front of the whole ward. Then, at church they did a musical testimony, which was awesome, spirit filled, and very unique! At MLC this week, there was a training on

Flooding the Font (Temple Font)

 Hey y'all!  Doctrinal Debate: We got into a debate with a really cool brother who has been indoctrinated by his dad (who's a returned missionary), so he doesn't believe that Joseph Smith is a prophet. BUT believes that the Book of Mormon is true. It was wild. He was bringing up Book of Mormon verses that supported his claims. I did the same cause he obviously believes it's a credible source and destroyed his argument of a universal priesthood after reading Mosiah 21 (he should have known how much I love doctrine, haha). He kinda blew it off cause that's all he could do with such irrefutable evidence of someone needing authority from God to baptize rather than being like, "Oh, I have faith--that gives me authority." He's super cool, though! He wants to take us to dinner, and he actually likes church, even though he doesn't believe in it all.  Damien: Saw the man I baptized over a year ago! I was on an exchange in my first area, and BOY does he love

Priesthood Power

  Story on the power of God available to us:) We gave an immensely powerful blessing to our friend who said it was the most incredible experience of his life. He's met with missionaries for years, lives with a member family, but isn't married to his less active girlfriend yet. They are working on a date for that. He has experienced a lot in his life, though. More trama than I can comprehend, at a very young age, too. He was struggling really bad with depression when we had a lesson with his family. He was NOT into it, which is completely not normal. He's the Spiritual leader in that whole family! When we gave him a blessing, he told us when he closed his eyes during the blessing, he felt he was swallowed in darkness. It was just suffocating him, and he felt so alone. It's how he's felt for a while. But it was getting worse. But then, during the blessing, he saw us at the end of a long, long tunnel, holding a light. And he ran to it and suddenly heard a scream (there

My dad got hit by a car?!?

Phew!! What a week.  It was crazy. I got a text on Wednesday that my Dad got hit by a car while riding his bike to work. I was like GASP. He fractured a bunch of bones on the right side of his face and sinus, but he's okay thanks to the miracles of God. Like seriously, God was watching over him. Me and my comp immediately started pouring out our hearts in prayer for my dad. And he's okay! Thank you Heavenly Father that I can still see him during my life on Earth:) God is such a legend for that, haha! Spiritual thought: My mind took an eternal perspective this week because of what happened with my dad. It's crazy how fast something can happen, and it really made me realize how much I cherish my family. Family is EVERYTHING. It's literally what makes Heaven, home. Truly makes a person "think Celestial" when an accident happens. We are truly blessed having the knowledge of God's plan--don't take advantage of it!! Miracle lady: Found a really cool lady who