An Anxious Invitation

 What a week. This week has been go go. I got to go to the mission Leadership Council which was sweet! It's very edifying, and the standards were clarified in regard to communication. They're honestly a lot stricter now which is.. well let's just say we have an opportunity to put even more effort toward being obedient. And therefore receive a great portion of the Holy Spirit.

-got to go to my baby area on an exchange! Was tearing it up on my bike, haha. Super legit. Lots of deja vu.
-Had an exchange with an elder who is finishing his mission in 1 and 1/2 weeks. Felt the Spirit of his conversion to Jesus Christ. Powerful.
-heard just loads of gunshots. Pretty lit, they were far (ish) away, so we chillin. 
-played some fuego pickleball and volleyball.
-ate at Raising Canes. Place is bussin
-We nicknamed our ward mission leader (who's 23, married, and a gigachad) Prophet Nielsen. He plays the part for our Ward Huddles, hahahaha.
-Got to go to the temple cause my comp baptized this cool brother in his last area. It was sweet!
-got a member referral from a legit innactive brother who regained his testimony after being invited to read the Book of Mormon 5 days previous. He's such a king, and the referral is for his nonmember wife. They all came to church the next day, and he paid his tithing. 

Spiritual Story:
Had a crazy lesson with a recent convert. We hadn't been able to contact him, so we decided to stop by. Yeah he was coming to church for a while and we had talked to his wife who said he was kind of giving up on the church. When we stopped by, he was home! He seemed a little reserved at first, but we said a prayer for him because he was stressed out with work and he opened up. Found out his true concern, which is the most frustrating annoying thing ever. And I can't even talk about it cuz he told us not to. But basically it's not his fault that he won't come to church. He is fully capable, to; however, due to a relationship, he won't do it. He has such a strong testimony and loves church though, so it really hurts him. We continued talking and he is very weighed down financially. He is unable to make ends meet because they upped his rent $200. His wife won't work so he's stuck trying to pay all these bills. As he was speaking I felt the spirit prompt me to ask if he was paying his tithing. At first I resisted because the brother was STRUGGLING. How could I ask him to give more when he doesn't have more? 
But I knew the spirit needed me to say it. So I asked if he was being his tithing. He told me no and that he understands for a very important cause and it's for God, but he can't afford it let alone his own bills. He started talking more, but I stopped him and told him that's not why I asked if he was paying his tithing. I then told him that there is a PROMISE FROM GOD that if he pays his tithing, that God will pour out blessings that there won't be enough room to receive them. I TESTIFIED with all my heart that GOD WILL MAKE IT WORK. That he has a chance to truly KNOW if there is a GOD by this promise. But you HAVE to put all your cards on the table. The Spirit was so THICK and he could feel it. He looked me in the eye and said he would try. Looked ready to cry. Heck, I felt ready to cry. It was so 

My comp was like wow, I can't believe you asked that, but man, the Spirit definitely testified of your words. But WOW you really did ask that. I was still stunned and was like yup. 

Anyways don't ignore promptings y'all! Even if it gives you anxiety and pushes you out of your comfort zone. The Spirit will testify of its truth. The first thought is from God, the 2nd is usually Satan giving you an excuse to not do it.....follow that first thought.
Hurrah for Israel!!

Elder Higginson


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