Turkey Trot and a Temple Trip...

 Awesome week! Went by so fast. 

Short story time: One of my favorite miracles this week was when we were headed to dinner, but I knew we were gonna get there 15 min early. And in the neighborhood, I actually took a wrong turn to the dinner, but then I got the impression that "No, you made the correct turn." And now I'm like, okay okay, lets get outside, so we said a prayer for direction, and the Spirit was so there. I'm now on the edge of my mental seat, excited for what's gonna happen next. We look over to our right. A nice couple is sitting on their porch. Elder Elkins says, "Hey! Wanna picture of Jesus?" And they say, "Absolutely, come on over! Pull up a chair." So we pulled up a chair and started teaching them. THEN three of their teenage boys come out, and they are super fun and chill, and we shared a message that got them involved (it's cause we first tied it to God and then to football). The Spirit was there, and we set a return appointment. When we finished, we were only 7 min late to dinner, and they were so excited about our miracle, haha. It was awesome. 

We also had the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving, which was a lot of fun!! Got a bit wet, and the red shirts may have stained my white shirt andddd my garments are now pink, lol.

Got to go to the temple another time! We brought Robert and his family, along with a member family, and we gave them all a tour. Robert said that he's going to see the inside of the celestial room for himself someday (made my heart melt!) 

 There was another man who also was incredibly friendly and asked super deep questions and really seems like he's an honest seeker of truth. Of something real. He also makes metal music and rocks pretty hard with his guitars. We have a lesson tonight, and we have a member coming too. 

Spiritual thought: The Spirit leads. And as we are in a place where we are worthy and humble enough to follow, then miracles happen. And they have happened this transfer. As we get out the door, God is there with us. Pushing us along. I've truly become so grateful for God's presence in my life. His impact. His love. He truly is there, listening and answering my sincere prayers, and making sure I am where I'm supposed to be, when I'm supposed to be there and doing what Im supposed to be doing. He is my Father. He really is. And He really wants me to be with Him again, too. That He gave us His plan!! And asked  His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for us and preform His Atonement. For me!!! And for y'all! Don't waste what God has done for you. It makes Him awfully sad. But when we choose the right, that is how we can give God true joy:)

Hurrah for Israel!!!

-Elder Higginson 


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