
Showing posts from September, 2023

Nick's Got the Power of God

  Nick got the Aaronic priesthood this Sunday!! It was so cool and awesome. He's an absolute king--I love him. It was a bit of a bummer though, because Charlene came to church and was complaining about not wanting to go to Relief Society, and so it took her a bit of time to just get her in there. She ended up having a great time there, but because she took so long, me and Elder Elkins missed being a part of the circle to give Nick the priesthood. But we got to watch it from the window outside!! But still slightly depressing, haha. Training is awesome. Elder Elkins is a king, I love him. We have been teaching finding, practicing the first vision, haha. It's so fun just going back to the basics. We are getting a bit stressed with our deaf friend Charlene. She is a bit frustrating and it's just a bit draining being with her. She came to church from Austin cause she's up there for a few weeks, and she stayed for the linger-longer after church. Then we had a lesson, so we we

Tism and Trio

  Hey y'all, a got news for yall.... Yeah, not really, life is just chilling.  EXCEPT WE GOT A BAPTISM!!! LETS GO. Nick was baptized and confirmed this last weekend and I am so happy. He's a king, I love him dearly. I honestly felt like I didn't do much with Nick. He just kept keeping commitments, and I was like wow, I met you like 5 weeks ago, and you're being baptized. How the heck did this happen? Most people I teach are like pulling teeth to get them to do anything, but with him, I didn't even have to work as hard. Which was sooo nice, haha. Very good.  Then I was in a trio for the week, which was a blast. Got to spend it with a trainer and trainee on their second transfer together, so I was learning a lot with how to prepare for my new companion. We found a....well actually we don't know what....but it's a taxidermied animal we found at the church dumpster. Y'all already know we snagged it and put it in our car, lol. It was a king move. For those of


  Alright, so we got transfer news, and I'm going to be training a new missionary! I'm super pumped and praying I raise him right, haha!!! Just going to imbue all my wisdom and spiritual knowledge into the fleshy tables of this young humble missionary's heart. I'm also really looking forward to see what I learn from him and his fresh perspective to the work. Should be quite the great growing experience for both of us haha....I'll try to refrain myself from bullying him, just kidding.... Also been practicing my IB with an Elder Kendall. He's fluent. Basically, you add the sound ib in front of every vowel sound. So like if I said, "I love this mission" itd be " IbI libove thibis mibissibion". Its hilarious hahahahahahha to do to people who can't understand what your saying. It's pretty despicable lol.  Our friend Nick PULLS UP TO CHURCH WITH A FRESH WHITE SHIRT AND TIE. This brother told us he bought a suit for his baptism! He's an


  Hey y'all! This has been a crazy week. Like holy cow. We had the opportunity to go to a baptism for an 8-year-old in the ward. It was awesome. The spirit was so strong. We came because a member had invited their neighbors to the baptism. They were from the Philippines, and they loved it! The mom was crying and they all felt the Spirit really strong. It was awesome he sang the song I will be what I believe and it went so good. The spirit was just overwhelming and amazing. It was a glorious experience. it was like the spirit was blowing through my veins, infusing my cells with power and with glory. We invited the members to work on inviting that family to learn more and see if they'd be interested. Our friend Nick Jones is getting more and more prepared to be baptized!! He is elect. He's so ready to make these choices and commitments and follow through with them for the rest of his life. He's an absolute king, and I am so happy to teach someone like him. It was so cool.