Marshmallow Roasting

 I got zero time, BUT!!!


We "accidentally" came across some members who were roasting marshmallows with their nonmember friends and "happened" to set a return appointment with them. It's a family with two boys who, after 5 min, we were suddenly best friends, and they said, "We want to show you our LEGOS!!! AND OUR STUFF!!" And we were like, hey, ask your parents if we can come over;) and then we came over, and they showed us their stuff, and of course, we shared some restored truth. They invited us back over for dinner this Monday too, which is sweet. 

Then we had a member meal, and it was so cool. The young boys challenged me to corn hole not expecting me to be any good. They now owe me twenty bucks, jkjk but that's what they said. Also, the dad has the SWEETEST MUSIC SET UP EVER. IT'S GOT IT ALL AND MANNNNN IT IS SO NICE. He said we could come over on a Pday if we wanted to so y'all already know I'm gonna hit that up. Maybe write a song or something. That'd be pretty sweet:)

Got three friends to church: a member invited a neighbor to FSY, and now he's all the way in Helaman with the Book of Mormon, another member had a friend ask if she can come to her church, and we met with the girlfriend of a member. Also, our recent convert blessed the sacrament. 


Spiritual thought: We do everything we can to bring the spirit into our lives. We pray constantly, study our scriptures diligently, and muster all the faith we can to bring the spirit into our lives and our friends' lives. The spirit is so important. It is by the spirit that we know that the Book of Mormon is true. It testifies of Truth, and as we listen, we can find hope, peace, joy, and eternal happiness. As missionaries, we do everything we can to bring that spirit. We bring it to their hearts, but we can't bring it into their hearts unless they allow it. And that's something I've been thinking about this week. How it is an active choice to listen to the spirit. It's something that we have to choose to do. Sometimes at church I get distracted, and I lose focus. But recently, as I actively tried to feel the spirit, I realized that it is always there. Always. The testimony of those we meet can strengthen my own testimony. The testimony of other missionaries has so much power and authority, but if we aren't listening to the spirit, we won't have it entering our hearts! You have to actively choose to listen, and when we choose to listen, we can know the truth! Y'all have a wonderful week. God bless.

Hurrah for Israel!!


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