
Showing posts from July, 2023

Don't Hesitate

  Well well well....look what the cat dragged in We are here with another email from just a regular greenie missionary in good ole' Texas:) This week has had grand moments of power. First, we had an exchange with my ZL, he's awesome. Learned a lot about using my words and helping prepare people to be put on date. I used what I learned with Josie and Giselle. I asked them, if you learn that the Book of Mormon is true will you be baptized? And they were like, yes! Sooo we will be grinding that BoM. Josie has already read a lot, too so we'll keep helping her understand the spirit:) Oops, so I forgot to finish it, and it is 6:00pm so Hurrah for Israel!! Elder Higginson

District Daddy

  First, I wanna apologize for the title of this email, but it's what the Elders in my district sometimes call me, haha. And second, it has to do with the responsibility a district leader feels for his district. Cause man, there a quite a few people in your stewardship, and it's your job to seek revelation to help them. To find ways they can succeed in teaching or finding, or baptizing. To give them courage or optimism where the work is slow. To help them become the disciples of Jesus Christ that they need to be. So it's kinda a bit of pressure at times cause you care about these missionaries so much and are praying for them. To highlight this, I have a story.... One day this week me and my companion got home at around 8:30 or so. At 9 we were like "haha, our roommates are late, unless they have a lesson." At 9:30 they still weren't home, so I did our district prayer and hype call without them. By 9:45, I'm starting to get worried cause I haven't been

Marshmallow Roasting

  I got zero time, BUT!!! HERE ARE SOME HIGHLIGHTS We "accidentally" came across some members who were roasting marshmallows with their nonmember friends and "happened" to set a return appointment with them. It's a family with two boys who, after 5 min, we were suddenly best friends, and they said, "We want to show you our LEGOS!!! AND OUR STUFF!!" And we were like, hey, ask your parents if we can come over;) and then we came over, and they showed us their stuff, and of course, we shared some restored truth. They invited us back over for dinner this Monday too, which is sweet.  Then we had a member meal, and it was so cool. The young boys challenged me to corn hole not expecting me to be any good. They now owe me twenty bucks, jkjk but that's what they said. Also, the dad has the SWEETEST MUSIC SET UP EVER. IT'S GOT IT ALL AND MANNNNN IT IS SO NICE. He said we could come over on a Pday if we wanted to so y'all already know I'm gonna hit

Celebrity Bodyguard

 HOLY SMOKES YALL. LIFE IS PRETTY GOOD.  Yeah, this week was chill. A super jacked man was behind us in line with his daughter, and we let them order before us. Afterward, he's like hey I'm paying for your sandwich and we were like "Wutttt?! That's so kind of you!!" Turns out he's met a lot of missionaries and stuff and is a professional bodyguard for celebrities. He said, "I try to share about Jesus with them too so I know how hard it can be." Super cool brother.  THEN on Saturday, we were grinding away doing some reporting when a lesson was canceled with our friend Josie. She's a recent media referral and asked if we had a church in the area. And we said heck yeah!! Here's the address! And then she was like, "I'll be there. Do you need to introduce me to anyone because it's my first time?" We were like--"uhhhh sure! We could meet you at the front entrance, orrrr we could do a church tour tonight and invite some of our