Potential Branch Growth??!!

 Howdy howdy howdy.

Well y'all, we have officially done transfers and I'm living with Elder Wood. Incredibly Christlike and motivated Elder. And we have hit the streets and are getting some sweet sunburns, haha. I hear it's still snowing in Utah and Idaho is pretty chilly, but I'm doing well over here! Honestly a bit too hot some days:) 

So we happened to run into a teenage boy who's a member living in Cuero! And he's like yeah, I go to the Victoria ward. And we're like huh, and y'all live here? And he's like, yup! And I was like, yeah sooooo we're missionaries for the Yorktown branch, and we are surprised to see y'all here cause ur not in our records! And the whole family is apparently active members, but they're going to the wrong area! And he was like i had no idea there was a branch in Yorktown. (Or maybe they did but prefer the ward life rather than the branch life, so we'll see.) But a whole family would be HUGE for this branch. I'm talking better Fellowship for our friends. I'm talking actually having an Elders Quorum president. I'm talking youth to give this beloved branch some gosh darn life!!! I'm just playing, but this would be huge for this branch and prep it for some actual growth. Cause fellowship is kinda lacking. Lots of old eccentric people who are a bit too judgemental at times. But I'm wearing them down with all the fun/interesting friends were getting to church, hahahahahaha. They're in MY court now (well sort of, actually only had a few people come to church, but I'm sure there are many more to come for the branch to get used to and try to fellowship!)

Also had a lesson with a lady a week ago and met with her a couple of days ago. And we gave her a Book of Mormon and talked about it. When we arrived for the second lesson, we asked if she had read, and she was like, "No! My husband took it for himself to read, so I haven't had a chance. And then she showed us a picture of him asleep with the Book of Mormon and a Bible sprawled on his chest, and he was just conked out hahaha with his mouth open and glasses on his face still. And I haven't even met him yet so hopefully, we'll have some great things to talk about! She told us how he was telling her all about it (The pic is below, and I got permission to share it.)

General Conference was AWESOME!! I love the overflow of personal revelation. I came into Conference hoping for some inspiration on Charity so I can truly give the people we work with the love they need to progress. Cause with all the rejection, you can get a little numb;) And then President Russell M. Nelson hit the nail on the head, and I was just soaking the whole talk in. It was funny tho, cause I'm like, man this talk would be good for so many people and Nelson was like y'all are probably thinking this talk is perfect for someone you know and u should be focused on yourself, too haha. It was like he read my mind and then proceeded to chastise it. 

But seriously y'all, please please please remember to have charity. It is the secret to power, joy, hope, comfort, and peace. When you're faced with conflict or challenges that arise in your life concerning the words or actions of someone else, remember to have Charity, especially when you have reason to be frustrated or offended. Without it, trust is broken, friendships are unraveled, and even families can turn on one another. It's so sad and horrible and literally of the DEVIL. That is when it's most important to be charitable. When you have love in your heart, the spirit will come. problems will be solved. Challenges will be overcome. Anger will be put off. Love will prevail. And when love prevails, God prevails. Let God prevail in all y'alls lives for the blessings and joy are indescribable. 

Hurrah for Israel!!

Elder Higginson


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