
Showing posts from April, 2023

I'll Walk Through Hail For You

 What a crazy week y'all. LIKE WUT IN THE WORLD KIND OF CRAZY. Started off with an exchange with an absolute champion of an Elder, Elder Dunkley. He's been out like a month and is so fun and earnest. I loved our exchange, gave me a taste of what I'd be like to train, and boy I can't wait. He was just so ready to learn everything he could from how I do things and he's so cool. We had our first lesson with a lady who was like full on ready to bash us about Joseph Smith and prophets. But I showed Elder Dunkley how to both confound a basher and resolved conflict to prepare us for our next lesson! Haha, well get her good too;) (I'm just playing y'all, I had no idea how the spirit saved us from getting into a heated argument and her getting so whooped by us that she'd never speak to us again, haha. Bashers are so tricky to deal with.) We moved apartments which was honestly low-key stressful. All of our stuff was everywhere in the new apt and it hadn't been

Found a Couch and Singing is Sweet!

  What's going on y'all?!?! Hope life is treating y'all well and you're continuing to grow that relationship with God....cause it's pretty important.  So I have been on my mission these past 8 months, and wow, it's been sweet! This week we got asked by a member to sing at a funeral because she really liked us singing at church and felt the spirit which was what we were going for! So we asked what she wanted us to sing and she didn't know, so we were like, "What about 'It is Well With My Soul'?" And she loved the idea, so we've been practicing our best haha, and praying we do a half decent job. But everyone there is going to be nonmembers as well so hopefully some hearts are softened enough for us to sneak in THE TRUTH!  Also mentioned to our Zone leaders how we sang at church and they asked us to sing it at Zone Conference in front of like 70 missionaries. So that was terrifying but went great! There was a little added vibrato cause I w


 Howdy howdy.... This week was blessed. Don't know what we did to deserve it, but the stars aligned it felt like. Started off with 3 lessons that didn't fall through and had a great lesson with a man who we honestly thought was gonna bash us, but we ended up having a lot in common! So that was appreciated cause I don't fancy being bashed too much, haha.  Then it was pouring rain. LIKE A LOT OF IT. TOO MUCH. BUT IT WAS OKAY. So of course, we did some more street contacting and we met a really cool lady who reads the BoM daily?!?! Like whaaaaat?! Apparently, missionaries talked to her years ago and gave it to her. But she has no record anywhere so she has a busy schedule for a couple weeks, but if she has a testimony of the Book of Mormon, then it's a done deal! So yeah, street contacting in the pouring rain works.  Had a great lesson with our friend Robert and he committed to come to church! AND THEN HE ACTUALLY CAME!! Haha, which is just plain AWESOME!! He also told us

Potential Branch Growth??!!

  Howdy howdy howdy. Well y'all, we have officially done transfers and I'm living with Elder Wood. Incredibly Christlike and motivated Elder. And we have hit the streets and are getting some sweet sunburns, haha. I hear it's still snowing in Utah and Idaho is pretty chilly, but I'm doing well over here! Honestly a bit too hot some days:)  So we happened to run into a teenage boy who's a member living in Cuero! And he's like yeah, I go to the Victoria ward. And we're like huh, and y'all live here? And he's like, yup! And I was like, yeah sooooo we're missionaries for the Yorktown branch, and we are surprised to see y'all here cause ur not in our records! And the whole family is apparently active members, but they're going to the wrong area! And he was like i had no idea there was a branch in Yorktown. (Or maybe they did but prefer the ward life rather than the branch life, so we'll see.) But a whole family would be HUGE for this branch