
Showing posts from February, 2023

Sanctify Yourself

  Great week y'all. Had a lot of cool experiences these past few days, so listen up. Met a man named Eric who is absolutely jacked out of his mind. But we had an amazing spirit that led the first lesson, and he really seemed to believe and understand everything we were saying and just nodding his head. Invited him to read the intro to the BoM and asked when we could meet again, and he told us tomorrow. So we came the next day and had another great lesson! Talked a lot about how important family is. And for y'all reading, family is so central to happiness. There is true joy when you and your family are united, which comes through Christ. The gospel and spirit changes us all, and it makes us become better. Within the home, as y'all try to come closer to God, y'all will come closer to each other. Especially getting into a rhythm of family prayer. A family that prays together stays together. Back to the lesson with Eric, he had read the introduction and told us he doesn'

Someone Baked Us A Cake

Howdy, howdy, howdy Man, how is life treating y'all?! Cause it's treating me just fine, haha. Anyways not too much happened this week. Got to meet the new Sister who transferred to our area. She's cool.  Had a cool lesson with our friend Robert! He's pretty old and very open to finding out if Joseph Smith is a prophet. He's been real and I love how he asks questions when he's confused about something so we can answer. OH YEAH. He asked about Adam being the first prophet which it says in the restoration pamphlet we give out and we were like oh yeah! So we managed to explain it as well as modern revelation and whatnot to him regarding info on Adam. Cause y'all in the bible, it says nothing about Adam being a prophet, just some context clues haha. But we pointed out those clues which imply he's a prophet as well as other things so yeah and we resolved his concerns. But back to him, we invited him to church, and he said he wants to really feel that it's


Wassup y'all What a great week to be sure. Definitely getting some juicy personal revelation lately. Taking time to just read the scriptures, especially the BoM just resolves concerns about people we are teaching and things that've been pondering.  First off, to address the title I'm sure y'all are panicking about.....jkjk y'all can find out in a couple paragraphs. Yeah, the mission's been awesome. Just hit 6th months the other day, which is wack. Feels like yesterday I was in the MTC. Though I do think I've really been changing. Especially my outlook and perspective on missionary work and life in general. Each month I feel like my perspective changes, and I feel like each month, my will is getting closer to God's will, and I'm slowly becoming to see people and challenges the way God wants me to. This week I read 3 Nephi 21, and it talked a lot about how God covenanted with his people that he would gather Israel together again. And the sign that this

Grinding with President Part 2

Okay, so I'm combining what I missed last week with what happened this week.  Sooooooo.....God is great all the time. I've seen his hand in my life so abundantly these last few weeks.  This is why you Trust in the Lord, y'all. Last week we had just finished doing all of our studies and had around 3.5 hours of finding to do before dinner that night. Then, however, we got a text from an inactive member inviting us to have dinner with them in Yorktown, 30 min away. Now usually, this would be a great opportunity to try to get them to become active and a great use of time, howeverrrr they wanted to eat at 5, and if we moved our dinner hour to then, then we'd have an hour and a half of time to do basically nothing. Because we don't have a lot of contacts for people because the area was opened up recently and it's too dark to go out finding. So we had 1.5 hours of time to fill, and would be very ineffective use of time. But we decided to pray and knew that the potentia

Raining Buckets Part 1

Wassssup y'all. Just your typical missionary sending another email bout his journey through redneck territory. The bigger your beard, truck, beer-belly, and gun is, the greater respect you gain out here. This week was WILD. Lots of really cool experiences of trusting in the lord. We went tracting and ran into a really cool lady and had a very solid lesson I'm our first contact which isn't typically what happens, usually we just give them something to think about or summarize the restoration or something and set up a return appointment later. However we were just teaching, and she was just drinking in all the logic and spirit, and she was just like like wow, this makes a lot of sense.  We went over the first vision though, and she was like wait he SAW God??? And we were like, yes, Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ. And she was like, darn it, I don't believe that. No one can see God and live. And I didn't know what to say other than some vague mention of transf